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Опис документа:

Автор: Repetsky S.P., Vyshyvana I.G., Kruchinin S.P., Melnyk R.M., Polishchuk A.P.
Назва: The energy spectrum and the electrical conductivity of graphene with substitution impurity
Видавництво: [s. n.]
Сторінок: Р. 13704-1-14
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Condensed matter physics
Анотація:   The effect of substitution atoms on the energy spectrum and the electrical conductivity of graphene was investigated in a Lifshitz one-electron tight-binding model. It is established that the ordering of impurity atoms results in a gap in the energy spectrum of electrons whose width depends on the order parameter and on the magnitude of the scattering potential. It is shown that if the order parameter is close to its maximum value, there are peaks associated with localized impurity states on the energycurve of the electron states density at the edges of the energy gap. At the electron concentration at which the Fermi level enters the gap region, the electrical conductivity is zero, and the metal-dielectric transition occurs. If the Fermi level falls in the region of the energy band, the electron relaxation time and electrical conductivity tend to in1nity when the order parameter reaches its maximum value. The analytical calculations of the electron density and of the electrical conductivity of graphene, made in the limiting case of weak scattering, are compared with the results of the numerical calculations for different scattering potentials.

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