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Опис документа:

Автор: Шестопалова І., Потапенко Х.
Назва: Соціалізуючи аспекти дисципліни "іноземна мова"
Видавництво: ВПЦ "Київський університет"
Сторінок: С. 34-37
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Присвячено проблемі соціалізації особистості в процесі вивчення іноземної мови, яка є частиною полікультурної освіти і розглядається як важливий інструмент соціалізації, адаптації особистості в умовах полікультурного суспільства.
   The article is devotedto the problem of socialization of an individual in the process of foreign language learning, which is a part of multicultural education and is considered as an important tool for a person"s adaptation in a multicultural society. The leading idea of thearticle is the assertion that foreign language as a discipline has a huge socializing potential, as in the process of a foreign language learning, not only the active development of natural resources, abilities, initiative, independence, take place, butalso, assimilation of generally accepted in a society sociocultural rules and moral norms, which plays a crucial role in the process of socialization is activated. Since the main goal of the educational process in foreign languages is the formation of the very communicative skills, its contribution to the process of socialization of a man is indisputable. In this sense, the following characteristics of the learning process in a foreign language are important: the focus on communication, respect for &the identity and culture of other peoples, the focus on social activities, the acquisition of social experience in solving life and social problems, and the creation of its own system of life priorities. The communicative method of teaching foreign l&anguages is based on the fact that the learning process is a model of communication. The learning process in foreign languages is based on the linguistic partnership, creative collaboration, constant motivation of communication, based on a combinatio&n of such interconnected factors as activity, creativity, autonomy, individualization, which contribute to the intensification of cognitive and educational processes. That is, organization of training in the form of communication is the main methodol&ogical task of a modern teacher of foreign languages. It is this specificity of the discipline "foreign language" that is capable of effective implementing educational socialization, helping to complete the formation of the students" ability to commu&nicate, coexist and cooperate in the professional activities of people of different ethnic groups, the formation of a rich experience of social and cultural communication, which is a solid base for the involvement of learners to the global values of &civilization.
   Посвящена проблеме социализации личности в процессе изучения иностранного языка, который является частью поликультурного образования и рассматривается как важный инструмент социализации, адаптации личности в условиях поликультурного об&щества.

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