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Опис документа:

Автор: Adamovych Z.
Назва: Typology of countries on the knowledge economy development
Сторінок: С. 101-112
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Географія та туризм
Анотація:   The purpose of this article is countries typology on the knowledge economy development. The method of cluster analysis is the core of this research. In particular, the method k-means clustering was used for the typology. Knowledge assessment methodologydeveloped by the World Bank, is a comparative tool formed by the four knowledge economy pillars. The clusters are analyzed by the 4 Knowledge Economy pillars: Economic Incentive and Institutional Regime, Education, Innovation, Information and Communications Technologies. Based on the twelve main indicators of knowledge economy it has been selected 6 cluster groups with different levels of knowledge economy. Particular attention should be paid to the sixth cluster with the highest level of knowledge economy. Based on their national policies and strategies the countries of other clusters, especially the fifth cluster with the lowest level of knowledge economy, should make significant changes to achieve the appropriate level. Ukraine some other post-socialist countries form the fourth cluster with highly education level and extremely low level of Economic Incentive and Institutional Regime. Countries typology on the knowledge economy development has not been conducted in a scientific field yet. The m&ain result of this research is indentation the group with the similar features of the knowledge economy development. The research helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the knowledge economy development of individual countries which furthe&r leads to right policy regarding the knowledge economy.

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