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Опис документа:

Автор: Doan P.
Назва: Spatial differentiation of tourism activity in Ukraine
Сторінок: С. 71-79
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Географія та туризм
Анотація:   The main goal of the article is to reveal spatial patterns of tourism activity in Ukraine. We used both - general scientific and interdisciplinary methods of research. Among first group those were literature review, analysis and synthesis, generalization and formalization etc. Major results were obtained using interdisciplinary methods: mathematical, statistical, visualization approaches. We disclosed high concentration of tourist activity in Ukraine. Besides spatial disorder, our study revealed probable functioning of black market. We also exuded main centres of tourism activity, tourism mobility and productivity of labour in tourism. This study is the first attempt to analyse spatial patterns of tourist activity in Ukraine on the level of districts and cities of regional significance. Analysis of basic indexes (income, employment and productivity) founds the most essential peculiarities of local tourism development. The detailed research of real situation with tourism on local level serves further assessment on necessary improvements in legislative, organizational, spatial, business and other components of tourism activity.

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