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Опис документа:

Автор: Liubitseva O.
Назва: Tourism market and tourism education in Ukraine
Сторінок: С. 48-56
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Географія та туризм
Анотація:   Purpose: The article deals with the problem of training for tourism professionals of the market of tourist services at all stages of its development in Ukraine. The main methods used in the study is the analysis and synthesis of the processes that took place in the tourist market and in the tourism education. In the analysis of the market and the educational processes at each of the selected stages of development used methods of statistical information processing and graph-analytical methods of its presentation. Results. In this article, based on my own experience and the formation of long-term observations of the tourist market and the development of educational tourism in the country, divided into three stages: І stage is characterized Soviet or planned tourism management with a predominance of active and cultural and educational. Poorly differentiated offer in tourism did not require specially trained professionals and their amount. Because small existing network of universities in general meet the needs of this sector of activity; ІІ phase or stage of active formation of the tourist market, possibly carried out precisely because they have already started to form the system of training of all skill levels, who were able to meet the needs of an& emerging market, differentiated offer, form the basis of market relations between the subjects of the tourist market. Universities train personnel who can create and implement a tourism product of mass consumption; ІІІ the current stage of the autho&r proposes to define since 2004, when the system was implemented standardization education industry is rapidly developing a network of universities, training staff for tourism, and stabilization of the tourist market. The author emphasizes that the d&evelopment of tourism is largely based on the efforts of universities to prepare tourist shots that not only train specialists, but also conduct research in the field of tourism. The author determines the direction of development of the tourism educa&tion. The author shows the role of the geographical component in the preparation of specialists in tourism at all stages of the training. Scientific novelty of the paper is in correlation analysis of market processes and training. The article emphasi&zes the need to enhance the synthesis of knowledge of various sciences and the presence of the basis for the formation of tourismology, as well as increased diversity due to the practice of tourism activities. The practical significance is in the ord&ering information on the development of the tourism education in Ukraine and lighting processes that occur in the activities of higher education institutions, training staff for tourism in order to strengthen ties with the government tourism and trav&el business. Training must be consistent with the strategic outlook for the tourism market and to rely on innovative technologies.

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