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Автор: Efendiyev G., Karazhanova M., Akhmetov D., Piriverdiyev I.
Назва: Evaluating the degree of complexity of tight oil recovery based on the classification of oils
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 76-81
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Київський Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка / Київський, університет імені національний; відп. ред. В.А. Михайлов ; редкол.: І.М. Безродна, О.І. Меньшов, В.Г. Бахмутов [та ін.]. - Київ: Київський університет, 2020
Анотація:   The article discusses the results of the use of cluster analysis in assessing the degree of oil recovery complexity and its impact on the performance indicator. For this purpose, clustering was performed using a fuzzy cluster analysis algorithm. It should be noted that along with the deposits of heavy and highly viscous oils, a large share of hard-to-recover reserves is also confined to conditions with very low reservoir permeability values. Data on viscosity, oil density and oil permeability of in-situ conditions from various fields of Kazakhstan are collected. Using the results of this classification, a statistical analysis of indicators of various types of hard-torecover oils was performed. In the process of analysis, a generalized characteristic was determined for each class of oil, including viscosity, oil density and reservoir permeability. The generic characteristic is a linear transformation of the three characteristics. The results were subjected to statistical processing. At the same time, an attempt was made to establish and analyze the relationship between the degree of recovery complexity of hard-to-recover oils and oil recovery coefficient. In the course of the analysis, the average values of the oil recovery coefficient and the ind&ex of the degree of recovery complexity of hard-to-recover oil within each cluster were calculated and the relationship between them was plotted. The observed dependence, built on averaged points, is close to a power law, and, as one would expect, wi&th an increase in the degree of oil recovery complexity, the oil recovery coefficient falls. The obtained estimates of the degree of oil recovery complexity allow us to rank different types of oils by their viscosity, density and reservoir permeabili&ty, which can be used to compare types of hard-to-recover oils by the value of the quality indicator. Methods to solve the problem of hard-to-remove high-viscosity and heavy oils should be aimed at reducing the viscosity of oil in the reservoir: inje&ction of hot water / steam into the reservoir, the use of electric heaters, etc. Purpose. Assessment of the degree of oil recovery complexity and its impact on the efficiency of field development. The technique. The solution of the tasks set in the w&ork was carried out on the method of mathematical statistics and the theory of fuzzy sets. In this case, the methods of processing the results, the correlation analysis, and the algorithm of fuzzy cluster analysis were used. Results. As a result of s&tudies, 4 classes were obtained, each of which characterizes the degree of oil recovery complexity, a parameter was proposed for quantifying the degree of complexity, including oil density and viscosity, reservoir permeability, a relationship between& this parameter and oil recovery coefficient was obtained. Scientific novelty. A classification of hard-to-recover reserves based on a fuzzy cluster analysis has been performed, and a parameter has been proposed for quantifying the degree of oil reco&very complexity, a relationship has been obtained that allows judging the oil recovery by the degree of oil recovery complexity. Practical significance. The results obtained make it possible to classify hard-to-recover reserves and make decisions on &the choice of methods for influencing the reservoir in various geological conditions.
   Розглянуто результати застосування кластерного аналізу при оцінці ступеня складності вилучення запасів нафти та його впливу на показник ефективності. З цією метою &виконано кластеризацію із застосуванням алгоритму нечіткого кластер-аналізу. Слід зазначити, що поряд з родовищами важких і високов"язких нафт велика частка важковидобувних запасів приурочена також і до умов з дуже низькими значеннями проникності кол&екторів. Зібрані дані про в"язкості, густини нафти і проникність порід в умовах залягання нафт з різних родовищ Казахстану. За результатами даної класифікації проведено статистичний аналіз показників різних типів важковидобувних нафт. У процесі аналі&

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