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Опис документа:

Автор: Вергелес К.М.
Назва: Відродження українського православ"я: перепони та перспективи
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 9-12
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Софія
Анотація:   Історія виникнення ПЦУ займає доволі незначний відрізок часу в розвитку незалежної Української держави у порівнянні, наприклад, з Російською православною церквою. У запропонованій статті розглядається стан сучасного православ"я в процесі його становлення та проблеми відносин з Російською православною церквою в Україні. Досліджуються різні варіанти пошуків, які здійснювались у ході творення ПЦУ та отримання нею Томосу (автокефалії). Аналізується розвиток взаємин між колишньою УПЦ КП та УПЦ МП, а також механізми розв"язання міжцерковного та міжконфесійного конфлікту на шляху досягнення міжцерковної злагоди.. Встановлено, що міжконфесійний конфлікт є значимим фактором розбудови та становлення державотворення в нашій країні. Розв"язання сучасного конфлікту між ПЦУ та РПЦ в Україні можливе лише за умови взаємної толерантизації вище зазначених церков.
   The history of the emergence of the CPU takes a rather insignificant amount of time in the development of an independent Ukrainian state in comparison, for example, with the Russian Orthodox Church. The article deals with the state of modern Orthodoxy in the process of its formation and the problems of relations with the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Different variants of searches, which were carri&ed out in the course of creation of PPC and receipt of Tomos (autocephaly), are explored. The development of relations between the former UOC-KP and the UOC-MP, as well as mechanisms for resolving inter-church and inter-confessional conflicts on the &way to achieving inter-church accord, is analyzed. It has been established that interconfessional conflict is a significant factor in the development and formation of state-building in our country. The solution of the current conflict between the PPC& and the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine is possible only on the basis of mutual tolerance of the aforementioned churches.
   The article examines the state of modern Orthodoxy during its formation and the problems of relations with the Russian Orth&odox Church in Ukraine. Various variants of searches carried out in the course of creation of PPC and receipt of it by Tomos (autocephaly) are studied. The period of development of relations between the former UOC-KP and the UOC-MP, the ways of resol&ving inter-church and inter-confessional conflict by reaching inter-church agreement is analyzed. The historic path of the emergence of the CEC took a fairly small period in the period of the independent Ukrainian state in comparison, for example, wi&th the Russian Orthodox Church. It has been established that inter-confessional conflict is an important factor in the development and establishment of state-building in our country. The solution of the current conflict relations between the PPC and &the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine is possible only under the condition of joint tolerization of the two above mentioned churches. In today"s globalization, religion appears to be one of the main dominant human beings. Taking into account such gl&obal changes we can fix the formation of the network concept of culture (B. Wellman, F. Crotiff, E. Marc, L.-K. Frime, R. Hassan). Most of the works of representatives of Ukrainian religious studies devoted, unfortunately, to the theoretical understa&nding of the concept of "religion", the peculiarities of its functioning, and the practical use of many concepts to the social structure of society. We also need to focus our attention on socio-cultural changes taking place in Ukrainian society; on t&he interconnection of economic, political
   and ideological spheres. At the same time, each sphere should be considered as independent, but at the same time as one constantly interacting with others. It is this interaction that manifests both the inte&grity of man and the main characteristics of religion.
   It should be noted that today we observe the maximum tension in the socio-political and, in particular, the religious-church life of Ukraine through the action of the inter-Orthodox conflict; th&

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