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Опис документа:

Автор: Chorna M., Buhrimenko R., Zonwire A.
Назва: Methodical approach to assessing the possibilities of strategic transformation of retail enterprises
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 79
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Примітки: Annex 1: Extended abstract in English and References (in Latin).
Анотація:   The article presents the author"s development of a methodical approach to assessing the ability of retailers to conduct strategic changes in order to create a completely new market space that is free from competition. The basis of this approach is the basic principles of the strategy of blue oceans and the principles of the matrix method. To select the key indicators of the matrix, an analysis of the state of the consumer market was carried out taking into account the current stage of development of the socio-economic system. To analyze the current state of the industry of the Kharkiv region, such indicators were used as: the number and structure of trade enterprises; the dynamics of their turnover; structure of regional commodity circulation by sources of formation. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that: retail trade turnover is not directly related to the number of business entities; the level of retail trade is interrelated with the price level of food and non-food products; a networkof specialized outlets belongs to the retail trade in non-food products; cash type prevails in the structure of sources of retail sales. This allowed us to distinguish two of the most specific indicators that potentially can be distinguished by retail&ers in the aggregate on the market. Internet sources of commodity turnover formation and the presence of a non-food product group in the enterprise"s activities are proposed as effective indicators. The first indicator is by far the least common amon&g retailers. This will create a platform for creating a fundamentally new market space. The second indicator indicates a higher form of organization of activity, a personnel and management resource, since according to the analysis, it is enterprises &with a non-productive group of goods that have a fixed type of trade and centralized points of sale. Comparison of these two indicators allowed us to create a matrix of opportunities for strategic transformation, which consists of 4 sectors. Each of &the sectors determines not only the current position of the enterprise, but also the potential for its improvement. Using this approach, enterprises can optimize the time and resources spent on search and the formation of competitive advantages by as&sessing their ability to create a new non-competitive space.

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