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Опис документа:

Автор: Bulkot O.
Назва: Quantitative methods of estimation of the degree of company"s transnationality
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 73
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Примітки: Annex 1: Extended abstract in English and References (in Latin).
Анотація:   The article is devoted to the problem of estimating of the level of trasnationality of the companies. The existing approaches to the measurement of trasnationality are generalized. Amethodology is developed for measuring the depth of company"s transnationality in operational and geographic dimensions. It is proposed to define the trasnationality as a function of the extent to which a firm"s activities are located abroad and focuses on the intensity of foreign activities in relation to domestic or global activities. The quantitative indicators of the level of company"s transnationality are estimated. The results of the conducted research prove that in order to measure the level of transnationality of companies, it is necessary to use an integrated approach that allows us to estimate the depth, breadth, intensity, and level of their operations and activities on a global scale. In this dimension, it is important not only to assess the level of integration of TNC operations carried out in host and home markets but also to implement special mathematical methods that allow demonstrating the correlation between the main dependent variables of the TNCs" performance. Empirical studies prove the ease and fairness of the proposed methodology for comparing d&ifferences in their structure and specifics TNCs. From this point of view, it is quite correct to carry out an analysis of selected parameters, both non-financial MNCs and financial ones, in which the results of the analysis obtained will be absolute&ly comparable and fair for their comparison among themselves.

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