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Автор: Матвийчук А.В.
Назва: Конституционные обязательства государства в сфере защиты имущественных прав физических лиц
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: C. 88-93
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   Статья посвящена исследованию конституционных обязательств государства в сфере защиты имущественных прав физических лиц. Установлено, что нотариусы безосновательно отказываются удостоверять завещания, предметом которых являются имущественные права физических лиц, что приводит к сужению их прав и законных интересов. Сделан вывод, что физические лица, как свидетельствует национальная практика, не могут должным образом защитить свои имущественные права. Следовательно, государство обязано не только формально в конституционном порядке признавать всех субъектов права собственности равными перед законом, но и урегулировать на законодательном уровне механизмы защиты прав физических лиц и гарантировать обеспечение этих прав. Обоснованы законодательные предложения по урегулированию этих отношений путем внесения изменений в Гражданский кодекс Украины в части расширения объема наследства, которое должно наследоваться по завещанию.
   The article is devoted to the investigation of the state"s constitutional obligations in the sphere of protection of property rights of individuals. It is established that notaries groundlessly refuse to certify wills, the subject of which are the property rights of individuals, which leads to a narrowing of their rights and legit&imate interests. In the article the comparative analysis is made of the national civil legislation and contract law-making practice in the aspect of protecting the rights of individuals that are forced to enter into civil law contracts on conditions &that are predetermined by business entities have been formulated, legislative proposals have been formulated to optimize these relations in the national sphere of legal regulation in aspect of the state"s fulfillment of its constitutional obligations& and the protection of constitutional rights of such physicists people. It is concluded that individuals can not properly protect their property rights. The Ukrainian state is obliged to strengthen, develop and guarantee the social orientation of the& economy, ensure the protection of the constitutional rights of subjects of property rights and management, recognize all subjects of property rights equal before the law. Laws of Ukraine, by-laws, corporate legal acts specify and develop the norms o&f the Basic Law of the state, due to which law-enforcement practice is formed. But subordinate legal acts can not contradict the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. This approach to the legal regulation of relations in society corresponds to the genera&lly recognized principles of the rule of law and legality. However, the practice of the national state testifies that by-laws often quite "in their own way" specify the norms of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, which leads to ambiguous law enfor&cement practice, violation of property rights of a person. Practice proves that an individual, when concluding a civil law contract, often does not have the right to choose. An individual is compelled to enter into a contract, the contents of which a&re proposed by the economic entity in an imperative form, or to refuse to conclude such an agreement. At the same time, the terms of the proposed contract are often such that their content raises doubts from the point of view of compliance with regul&atory and legal acts of the state. Thus, the state remains aloof, while the existing rights and freedoms of individuals are unjustifiably narrowed, which directly contradicts the prescriptions defined in Article 22 of the Constitution of Ukraine. Leg&islative proposals for the settlement of these relations are substantiated by amending the Civil Code of Ukraine with regard to the extension of the scope of the inheritance, which must be inherited by will.

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