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Опис документа:

Автор: Кузнєцова Ю.О.
Назва: Лісова екосистема півдня України та інтенсивність фотосинтезу шпилькових
Видавництво: ГАЛЛАПРІНТ
Сторінок: С. 50-54
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   The article describes the artificial forest management of the southern Ukraine as a powerful natural ecosystem of influence on the regulation of man-made processes, namely, reducing the load of carbon dioxide into the natural environment. The facts are presented and causes of planetary anxiety about global warming are highlighted. The main artificial source of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is determined. The functions of forest ecosystems are described. The role of the forest for the dry-steppe subzone of Ukraine is determined. The characteristic of the dominant tree-stands of the Tsyurupinsky forestry farm is presented. The changes in average height of the tree-stands depending on the age of the studs are given. The state of the study of forest ecosystems by scientists is analyzed. The techniques used by researchers for study are presented. The origin of the tree-farm of the farm, which is selected for research, is presented graphically. The method of conducting a field experiment for the study of the intensity of carbon dioxide absorption and a method used to determine the area of the needle is described. The advantages of the Crimean pine over pine Scots are distinguished. This breed is most suitable for afforestation of sandy terrains due &to its drought resistance, wind resistance, resistance to pests and diseases, and high germination energy. The data of the process of photosynthesis, which takes place in the needles of pin breeds, dominated by the areas of afforestation, are shown. &The analysis of the study of the dynamics of absorption of carbon dioxide for September - November 2015 is given. The most favorable periods of the process of absorption of CO2 are described and the decline is noted. The general dynamics of absorptio&n of carbon dioxide in needles for the studied season is demonstrated. The rapid growth of absorption of carbon dioxide in needles of pine trees began to occur from the second decade of September and drop sharply from the second decade of November. C&onsequently, this year"s autumn air temperatures for the studied process were optimal and contributed to high CO2 absorption rates during the study period. The comparative characteristic between the results of absorption of carbon dioxide in needles &of Crimean pine and pine usual is carried out. As a result of the analysis of the carbon dioxide absorption process for the study, it was determined that the intensity of photosynthesis of Scots pine and Crimean pine simultaneously in both species ha&d almost identical dynamics of rise and fall. The results of measuring the area of the needle are presented. It is proved that the intensity of absorption of carbon dioxide in needles of the Crimean pine is almost twice as high as the absorption of c&arbon dioxide in pine needles of Scots pine. The maximum and minimum indecies of carbon dioxide absorption for the fall of 2015 for both types of trees are recorded. The area of one needle of both species selected for research determines the differen&ce in the absorption rates of carbon dioxide, since the area of the needle of the Crimean pine is twice as large as the area of the pine forest needles. The area of needles of Scots pine is 205,88 mm2 , and for Crimean pine is 441,18 mm2 .
   У статт&і описується штучне лісомисливське господарство півдня України, як потужної природної екосистеми впливу на регулювання техногенних процесів, а саме зменшення навантаження вуглекислого газу на природне середовище. Наведено факти і виділено причини пла&нетарного занепокоєння щодо глобального потепління. Описано функції лісових екосистем. Визначено роль лісу для сухостепової підзони України. Представлено характеристику домінуючого деревостану Цюрупинського лісомисливського господарства. Наведено змі&ни середньої висоти деревостану в залежності від віку шпилькових порід. Проаналізовано стан вивчення лісових екосистем. Наведено методики, які використано науковцями для дослідження. Описано метод проведення польового експерименту на дослідження інте&

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