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Опис документа:

Автор: Нажмудінова О.М.
Назва: Формування забарвлених опадів над Східною Європою
Видавництво: ГАЛЛАПРІНТ
Сторінок: С. 38-43
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   In recent decades, the frequency of blocking processes has increased in the Atlantic-European sector, which contributes to the activation of southern and northwest cyclones, which abnormal weather phenomena are associated with. In some cases, natural phenomena of a global nature are recorded on the territory of Ukraine, in particular, coloured precipitation. The purpose of the study is to establish the characteristics of circulation processes during the formation of coloured precipitation in the south of Europe. Despite the anomaly of the phenomenon for the territory of Ukraine, over the last five years this process has been observed several times. One of the determining conditions for this was the existence of a powerful block formed by two anticyclones: from the east - the Siberian maximum, and from the west - the Atlantic anticyclone. The study of the blocking process was carried out according to subjective and objective (the blocking index of Lejenas and Okland) estimates. In March 2016 and 2018 the block determined the location of the southern cyclones over the Balkans, into which dusty streams from Africa were drawn in. In February 2015, this process arose in the northwestern cyclone with the same block. A similar situation was observed in &January 2013, but the dust storm reached only Italy, which is a more typical process. The processes were characterized by intensified dust storms over northern Africa: Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and the local winds sirocco carried the dusty and sandy s&treams to the south of Europe, which significantly worsened the visibility (particularly in Greece), and in Ukraine coloured precipitation was observed (rain, snow, snow pellets). In such situations, dust particles act as condensation nuclei for prec&ipitation and rain (snow) turns red, brown, yellow, when a huge mass of Saharan dust comes into contact with the cyclone storm system, and the sediments pass through the dust plume. A significant factor was also the presence of powerful jet streams a&t the level of 300-200 hPa, oriented from the north of Africa to the Balkans, the speed of the south-western winds reached 70-80 m/s. Visually, streams of dust are clearly traced by satellite images. In the perspective of the study, it is planned to &summarize typical situations of similar cases with the purpose of prognostic indications.
   Досліджуються процеси утворення забарвлених опадів на території України. Перенесенню пилових потоків з африканських пустель на Балкани і Чорне море сприяють бл&окуючі системи, що визначають стаціонування циклонів над півднем Європи і струминні течії південно-західних напрямків, спрямовані з півночі Африки на схід Середземного моря. Відмічається підвищення повторюваності аналогічних ситуацій в останні роки, &внаслідок змін регіонального і глобального клімату.

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