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Опис документа:

Автор: Присухін С.І.
Назва: Принцип універсального призначення благ: уроки магістеріуму католицької церкви
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 19-22
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Софія
Анотація:   Стаття присвячена аналізу напрацювань Соціального Вчительства Католицької Церкви, що розкривають змістовні характеристики поняття "принцип універсального призначення благ", його роль і значення в системі християнських морально- етичних цінностей.
   Статья посвящена анализу наработок Социального Учительства Католической Церкви, которые раскрывают содержательные характеристики понятия "принцип универсального предназначения благ", его роль и значение в системе христианских морально- этических ценностей.
   The article is devoted to the analysis of lessons of Social Teaching of Catholic Church that reveals meaningful characteristics of the concept of "principal of universal destination of good", its role and significance in the system of Christian moral and ethical values. Magisterium of the Catholic Church in XXth - at the beginning XXIst centuries substantiated the position in accordance with the overcoming of the crisis of modern civilization ("civilization of the death", as defined by John Paul II) to a large extent depends on the filling of socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural relations with the principles of Christian morality, as well as the principles of social practice, recommended by the Church, among which priority is the pr&inciple of universal destination of goods. The recommendations of the Magisterium remain open for further discussion in philosophical, religious, and other discourses, which does not diminish their practical expediency in resolving the most acute soc&ial contradictions of the present time. The purpose of the article: On the basis of the analysis of the achievements of the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church, to investigate the principle recommended by the Church for the introduction into soci&al practice of the universal destination of good as one of the most important principles of the development of social and economic existence, inseparably from the ethical values of the Christian culture - faith in God, love for neighbor, freedom, jus&tice etc., and other proven principles of social practice - common good, solidarity, subsidiarity, dialogue, etc. The main results of the study: The universal destination of good is intended to stimulate the further development of the humanitarian ec&onomy, oriented to the moral values of Christian culture. Moral values are reminiscent of the origins and purpose of the common good - the creation of a solid and just world in which material possessions are of secondary importance, which does not ex&clude their positive content. Positive content appears when the blessing is the result of the process of material and spiritual production, using the existing technical and economic potential, and inseparably from the spiritual potential of the perso&n (creative economic initiative, ingenuity, planning, etc.), which are realized by human labor, increase the welfare of all people and peoples, prevent their marginalization and exploitation. The principle of universal destination of good requires jo&int efforts aimed at creating such socio-economic, political and cultural conditions that guarantee the holistic development of every person and all peoples in general, so that they can all contribute to the creation of a more or less humane and mean&ingful world. Summary conclusions: The Magisterium of the Catholic Church has formulated and advocates a position according to which the principle of universal destination of good requires joint efforts aimed at creating such socio-economic, politica&l and cultural conditions that guarantee the continuous holistic development of everybody as a person and the human community as a whole, in order to all of them could contribute to the development and perfection of the humane and God-inspired world &- "the civilization of love".

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