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Опис документа:

Автор: Лозовой С.В.
Назва: Правовий статус працівника прокуратури як суб"єкта трудових правовідносин
Видавництво: [б. в.]
Сторінок: С. 41-46
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Соціальне право
Анотація:   У статті розглянуто актуальні питання теорії правового статусу спеціальних суб’єктів трудового права, зокрема, прокурорських працівників, проаналізовано вітчизняне законодавство з порушеної проблематики та погляди науковців. У підсумку, зроблено важливівисновки, які мають значення для правозастосовної практики.
   В статье рассмотрены актуальные вопросы теории правового статуса специальных субъектов трудового права, а именно прокурорских работников, проанализированы отечественное законодательство по данной проблематике и взгляды ученых. В итоге, сделаны важные выводы, имеющие значение для правоприменительной практики.
   Changes in national strategy in Ukraine within the prosecutor legislative establishment, its place in the system of law enforcement authorities lead to the emergence of new outstanding issues related to the legal prosecutor status as a subject of employment relations. So far, one of the debating points is the separation of the administrative and labor legal relationships within the prosecutor activity as a prosecutor is the subject not only of labor, bur also administrative legal relations related to the direct execution of the powers of representatives of the State. Theoretical insights and problem analysis related to the prosecut&or’s legal status as a subject of employment relations represent an issue of great practical significance. Having addressed the issues, it will be possible to sophisticate the legal norms and regulations in connection with the activities of authorize&d bodies aimed at avoiding the settlement of labor disputes. Article’s main body. Consider the relevant issues of the legal status of prosecutor as a subject of employment relations.
   Conclusions and prospects for the development. Summarizing above-m&entioned, we can draw the following important conclusions that are of relevance to the law-making process and law enforcement practice. A special prosecutors’ legal status as the subjects of employment relations is inextricably linked to the existenc&e of special legal regulations of such labor relationship at the level of general legal regulations. An integral part of the special legal status of prosecutors is, primarily, their special labor and legal capacity characterized by the following: Ukr&ainian citizenship, a higher legal education, the absence of other employment relations as well as his/her compliance with other restrictions as to the part-time work and other activities stipulated in anti-corruption laws, non-alignment to any polit&ical party, clean record and absence of administrative proceedings for committing a corruption offense, availability of certain labor experience, proficiency in the State language, not being legally limited or legally incapable by court, absence of d&iseases that impede to perform the prosecutor’s duties as well as characteristics that limit his/her right to hold the prosecutor’s office according to the Lustration Law of Ukraine, moral virtues. The prosecutors’ labor rights and duties are being r&egulated both by common regulatory legal acts within the employment relations (The Labor Code of Ukraine and the following special regulatory legal acts: Law of Ukraine "On Office of Public Prosecutor", rules for internal labor order of the relevant &prosecutor’s office). The prosecutors’ labor rights and duties may be divided into common (applied to the all employees) and special that relate to prosecutors as well as the scope of the labor activities performed.

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