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Опис документа:

Автор: Koshmak I.O., Melekh B.Ya.
Назва: The primordial helium abundance determination using multicomponent photoionization modelling of low-metallicity H II regions
Видавництво: [s. n.]
Сторінок: Р. 16-23
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics
Анотація:   The method for the multicomponent photoionization modelling (MPhM) of low-metallicity H II regions surrounding the starburst region was developed. The internal structure of the H II region has been determined using the evolutionary modelling of the superwind bubble surrounding the star-forming region. Models of Chevalier and Clegg (1985) and Weaver et al. (1977) have been used to determine the radial distribution of the gas density, the velocity of gas layers, and the temperature within internal components (the region of the superwind free expansion and the cavity, respectively). The chemical abundances in region of the superwind free expansion were obtained from the evolutionary population synthesis with including of rotating stars. The chemical abundances within cavity were defined by averaging over mass the chemical compositions of mixture of the abundances of gas from superwind and ones within outer component, because of gas evaporation from external component into the cavity. External componentsof our models describe a high-density, thin shell of gas formed by superwind shock and a typical undisturbed hydrodynamically H II region, respectively. Evolutionary grids of multicomponent low-metallicity models are calculated. A comparative analysi&s of the results of their calculation with the observed data has been carried out. The ionic abundances averaged over modelling volume as well as chemical composition assumed in models were used to derive the new expressions for ionization-correction& factors that were used to redetermine the chemical compositions of 88 H II regions in blue compact dwarf galaxies. It must be noticed that we used for this propose the ionic abundances obtained by Izotov et al. (2007). In result the primordial heliu&m abundance and its enrichment during stellar chemical evolution of matter were determined.

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