Мета дослідження полягає в незаангажованому аналізі джерел та літератури про викори- стання психіатрії в карально-репресивних цілях в УРСР. У статті використані такі методи дослідження: порівняльно-історичний, типології, класифікації, проблемно-хронологічний тощо. У науковій розвідці встановлено, що систематичне використання психіатрії для ув"язнення ди- сидентів в психіатричні лікарні розпочалося наприкінці 1950-х рр.; доведено, що радянським режимом під психіатричні репресії була підведена теоретичнаі юридична база; з"ясовано, що наприкінці 70-х рр. ХХ ст. погрози психлікарнею активним віруючим набули системного харак- теру, особливо спецслужби тиснули на членів Ради родичів в"язнів ЄХБ, які займалися друком та оприлюдненням злочинів тоталітарної влади проти людяності та свободи сумління й віро- сповідання; показано, що на початку 1970-х рр. інформація про необґрунтовану госпіталізацію політичних і релігійних інакодумців в психіатричні стаціонари досягли Заходу та США.
The purpose of the study is to unbiased analysis of sources and literature on the use of psychiatry in punitive and repressive purposes in the Ukrainian SSR. The article uses the following methods of research: comparative-historical, typologies, classifi cations, problem-chro&nological, etc. The fi rst works in which the facts of the struggle of the totalitarian system with the active members of the brotherhood of the ECB began to be publicized by means of repressive psychiatry were the self-published bulletins that were &periodical and published in the 70"s and 80"s. Soviet researchers did not mention in their works the facts of torture of believers by means of repressive medicine. Modern scholars, especially specialists in the fi eld of psychiatry, partially re-thou&ght and reinterpreted the crimes of repressive medicine over dissent and active members of the brotherhood of the ECB. At the same time, there is no comprehensive scientifi c-historical research about punitive psychiatry as a form of struggle 72 ag&ainst political opponents, and in particular with active members of the ECB in the second half of the twentieth century. There is no time for this, so we will try to fi ll this gap somewhat. The study found that the systematic use of psychiatry for t&he imprisonment of dissidents in a psychiatric hospital began in the late 1950"s in connection with mass rehabilitation of political prisoners who, after returning from places of detention, openly opposed all kinds of abuse of power, lack of freedom &of conscience and religion; it is proved that the Soviet regime under the psychiatric repressions was summed up the theoretical and legal basis, that led to the list of restrictions on so-called mentally ill: in professional capacity and in general, &in capacity, in correspondence and many others, even if they were not brought to criminal responsibility; it was shown that in the 70-80s of the XX century. punitive and repressive machine of the totalitarian system, in the name of the leaders of the& security forces and their analysts with maniacal zeal, developed anti-human torture for dissenters, the main role in their humiliation now relied on psychiatrists and their Jesuit methods based on the so-called "innovative" teaching of the Moscow sc&hool of psychiatrists A. Snezhevsky about "slowed down schizophrenia", this diagnosis was recognized only in the USSR and its satellites. Under the diagnosis of "delayed schizophrenia" could fall anyone who somehow expressed dissatisfaction with the &actions of the ruling regime. It was found out that in the late 70"s of the twentieth century threats with a psychiatric hospital to active believers have become systemic, especially the secret services have been pressured on the members of the Counc&il of the Relatives of the ECB Prison, who were engaged in printing and publishing crimes of totalitarian power against humanity and freedom of conscience and religion; it is proved that in the early 1970"s reports of unjustifi ed hospitalization of &