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Опис документа:

Автор: Ziolek-Sowinska Malgorzata
Назва: The Story of the Exodus and the Images of the Promised Land and Heaven in the Poetry of African American Spirituals
Сторінок: S. 33-47
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Zagadnienia rodzajow literackich
Анотація:   Since the beginning of slavery blacks discovered in the Bible stories which provided not
   only narratives and language to delineate the difficulty of being a slave, but also hope for
   a better future in the afterlife. The Exodus was perceived as the Bible"s main argument
   that God denounced slavery and would come in a catastrophic event to judge those
   who mistreated blacks. This article is devoted to the exploration of the biblical figure of
   Exodus as a recurring trope in selected lyrics of slave spirituals and spirituals recorded by
   bluesmen. Scholars seem to agree that the Exodus is the migration narrative, but in this
   article I seek to demonstrate that it may also represent the theme of going on a spiritual
   journey to the other side in the hereafter or the end of time city the New Jerusalem.
   Sznajderski Tadeusz.

Пошук: заповніть хоча б одне з полів

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