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Опис документа:

Автор: Харчук Р.
Назва: Уточнення до джерел творів Шевченка періоду "Трьох літ"
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 377-387
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Шевченкознавчі студії
Анотація:   Ревізовано названі попередніми дослідниками джерела поезії Шевченка періоду "трьох літ", передусім послання "І мертвим, і живим…", внесено певні уточнення до них. Приділено увагу працям П.-Й. Шафарика "Славянские древности", "Листи до любезних земляків"Г. Квітки-Основ"яненка й перекладам О. Корсуна з В. Ганки і Ф.-Л. Челаковського, уміщених в альманасі "Сніп". Особливий вплив на поета у цей час справив О. Бодянський. Можливо, Шевченко був ознайомлений із працею останнього "О народной поэзии славянскихплемен" (1837). Шевченків пошук української національної ідентичності прямо пов"язаний із пошуками національної слов"янської ідентичності, що їх розпочав О. Бодянський, а також з думкою про те, що поезія є народною у тому випадку, коли її визначає історія народу.
   The author of the article revises the well-known sources of Shevchenko"s message "To the dead and alive...", introducing certain clarifications to them. At the same time, she reviews how these same sources have affected some other poetry ofthe "three years" period. She abandons the work of P.-J. ?af?rik "Slavic antiquities" in the translation of O. Bodiansky. In her opinion, if the poet even did not read this work, he knew about the ideas of P.-Y. ?af?rik, in particular, the thoughts a&bout the origin of the Slavs from O. Bodiansky. Also, "Letters to dear fellow countrymen" by G. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko influenced on Shevchenko"s message "To the dead and alive...", much more they responded in the poem "The dream - Everyone has his own &destiny". These letters became the basis for the alternative Shevchenko"s view on the Russian tsar. O. Korsun"s translations of V. Hanka and F. L. Chelakovsky contained in the almanac "Snip", influenced Shevchenko"s critique of Nicholas I and respond&ed to the poem "The Huge Cellar". The author believes that O. Bodiansky had a special influence on the poet at that time. Perhaps Shevchenko was acquainted with his work "About the People"s Poetry of the Slavic Tribes" (1837). Shevchenko"s search for& the Ukrainian national identity is directly related to the search for the national Slavic identity, launched by O. Bodiansky, as well as the idea that poetry is folk in the case when it is determined by the history of the people. Shevchenko did not &revised Ukrainian history and freed from false historical myths only, but also opposed his own understanding of the Ukrainian identity of its understanding in the Ukrainian pan-Slavism of the Moscow model. The discussion about the national identity o&f Ukrainians, which has not stopped for several hundred years, was also reflected in Shevchenko"s message. The poet, as known, did not reject "someone else"s" wisdom, but considered it necessary to treat its critically. As for his own history, which &is identified with the "good" and "evil of glory" in the message, Shevchenko emphasized the moral sense of it. The poet was worried about the past. However, the past can not be changed, it can be a lesson, therefore, Shevchenko"s view is directed at &the present and to the future.

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