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Опис документа:

Автор: Тетеріна О.
Назва: Творчість Т. Шевченка в західноєвропейському літературному контексті: рефлексії над студіями Ю. Бойка-Блохина
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 364-377
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Шевченкознавчі студії
Анотація:   Розглянуто погляди еміграційного вченого Ю. Бойка-Блохина на еволюцію творчості Тараса Шевченка з погляду стилю (розвиток у ній романтизму, реалізму та елементів класицизму). Осмислено внесок дослідникау вивчення художньої спадщини автора "Кобзаря", специфіку якої з"ясовано шляхом її порівняння із творчістю західноєвропейських митців слова, в контексті української та зарубіжної компаративістики ХХ - початку ХХІ ст. Обґрунтовано важливе значення шевченкознавчих праць Ю. Бойка-Блохина у забезпеченні неперервного розвитку вітчизняного літературознавства та окресленні його перспектив у історико-літературному та компаративному вимірах.
   The article provides deep insight into the study of Taras Shevchenko"s body of work by Y. Bojko-Blokhyn, emigre researcher who used modern approach to develop national tradition in investigation of Slavic literatures, especially Ukrainian literature, in comparative aspect (which was initiated in the 19th century by M. Drahomanov and I. Franko and advanced later on by M. Hrushevsky, M. Voznyak, Kolessa, L. Biletsky, V. Peretz together with participants of his seminar, first of all, M. Zerov, P. Filipovich, M. Chizhevsky and others), this tradition was interrupted in the Soviet Ukraine in the 1930s under the pressure o&f ideology. Due consideration is given to fundamental vector of Y. Bojko-Blokhyn"s literary concept, i.e. study of Ukrainian literature in Western European context with an emphasis on its national peculiarity, which determines approach of the researc&her to Shevchenko"s work too ("Work of Taras Shevchenko against a background of the Western European literature"). The author analyzes opinion of the researcher about popular admiration of "Kobzar" as "a setback to his popularity in the world" (compa&rison between Taras Shevchenko"s work and work of Koltsov, Slepushkin, Burns). It is emphasized that Bojko-Blokhyn gives special attention to comprehension of the poet"s work in Western European context, from the perspective of the problem of style (&category which was completely excluded from Soviet literary criticism in the 40s and 50s). Attitude of the scientist towards evolution of T. Shevchenko"s work (development of romanticism, realism and elements of classicism in his writing), particular& nature of which is clarified through comparison with works of Western European creators (Goethe, Byron, Shelley, Novalis, Schlegel, Chateaubriand, Schiller, Hugo, Petefi, Mickiewicz, Moore, Dante, Balzac), is considered. It is demonstrated, that spe&cial significance of Y. Bojko-Blokhyn"s contributions dedicated to literary work of Shevchenko consists in ensuring continuous development of national literary criticism (given the impossibility of its full-fledged development during several decades &of the Soviet period) and outlining the prospects for scientific research in historical literary and comparative dimensions, which is apparent from their consistency, in particular, with research of contemporary scientist D. Nalyvayko "Style of Shevc&henko"s poetry and its multicultural context" (due to strong focus on the problem of style).

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