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Опис документа:

Автор: Сліпушко О.
Назва: Творчість Тараса Шевченка 1848 року: ідейна парадигма
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 341-347
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Шевченкознавчі студії
Анотація:   Досліджено особливості ідейно-естетичної парадигми творчості Тараса Шевченка 1848 р. Прочитано поетичну спадщину окресленого періоду з позицій сьогодення. Проаналізовано поему "Царі" з огляду на сучасні виклики. Спостережено інтерпретацію історичних постатей у поезіях Кобзаря 1848 р. Акцентовано увагу на змінах художніх і світоглядних позицій Тараса Шевченка у часи заслання. Визначено вектори нових креативних пошуків Кобзаря у нових життєвих обставинах.
   In this article the specific of idea and esthetic paradigm of poems of Taras Shevchenko of 1848 year is investigated. It is analyzed the poem "Kings" because of the modern ideas. It is investigated the interpretation of historical persons in the poems of Kobzar of 1848 year. Is it accented the changes of artistic and outlook positions of Taras Shevchenko in the times of exile. The vectors of new creative searches in the new life circumstances are defined. The aim of the article is represent idea and esthetic paradigm of the poetic heritage of TarasShevchenko of 1848 year. 2018 year reads poems of Shevchenko in new light. Partly, his politically rics of 1848 year. It was a poetry of revolution - against kings, first of all the Russian king. And this revolution define the general line of all poe&tic 1848 year. It looks like Shevchenko anticipates that fight with Russian enemy will historically important for Ukraine like today. Shevchenko for centuries define for Ukraine the importance of freedom. Таrас anticipated in the poem "Kings" the fin&al of this fight like victory of village with people - ideal of the state of Taras Shevchenko. The poetic works of its time represent new inner self understanding and representing of yourself. Taras" romantic stayed in the past. It was changed by new& political ideas. Its vector is defined by Shevchenko" spirit plan of liberation from the power of Russian imperia. The aim of prisoning and reference - to break of Shevchenko, his soul, to kill in him free Ukrainian national writer. It was imperia a&ccounting. As a person Shevcenko in the dilemma "to go against or to be buried alive" every time choose first. Cardinal change of the life did not broke, but deepened in his character features of rebel and fighter. But now the romantic belief and you&ng freedom ideas were changed by pragmatic understanding of the planed evolutionary fighting. In the1848 year Taras Shevchenko again actualized the idea of Getmanshchyna with its freedom and famous traditions. But in this case he was full of sorrow b&ecause of the lost facilities.

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