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Опис документа:

Автор: Щелкунова О.
Назва: Європейський контекст української ренесансної літератури
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 45-48
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Досліджено специфіку української літератури доби Ренесансу (кінець ХV-ХVІ ст.), її інтегрованість у культурнолітературний дискурс тогочасної Європи. На прикладах творчості Станіслава Оріховського, Себастяна Кленовича, Павла Русина проаналізовано безпосередні й опосередковані впливи національної та європейської традицій на тогочасну українську літературу.
   It is investigated the Europeanism of Ukrainian literature of the Renaissance (the end of the 15th and 16th centuries) in this article, its integration into the cultural and literary discourse of the Europe. The peculiarities of the Europeanism of Ukrainian literature of the era of the Renaissance and its European contacts are analyzed.The direct and indirect influences of national and European traditions on contemporary Ukrainian literature have been analyzed taking into account the examples of the works of Stanislav Orikhovsky, Sebastian Klenovich, Pavlo Rusin. There were analyzed just some of writers" works. The main concepts of Ukrainian Renaissance literature - deep interest in the person, spiritual protest, the glorification of human beauty, connection with life. - were considered on the basis of that works. The factors of the of the formation of nationalogenesis, which confirm the spiri&tual, cultural, historical heritage, as well as methods of self-presentation of Ukrainians in the European context have been also analyzed. It is also emphasized on the humanism as on the implementation of Western ideas in the Ukrainian world. All id&eas are considered with the involvement of the biblical accent due to the long traditional management of Christian moral principles. The system of values of the Renaissance world comes into focus in front of the socio-historical background. since Ukr&ainian culture has achieved the national version of the established Renaissance model through overcoming complex and often unfavorable historical circumstances. It is also underscored on the features of mediated and direct cultural-literary contacts &of Ukraine and Europe.

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