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Опис документа:

Автор: Бовсунівська
Назва: Антигуманізм в образній рефлексії сучасної західної та української літератури: бомжі й et cetera
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 8-12
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Ідеться про типологічне сходження на рівні ідеології й образу безхатченка в тій частині літератури, яка має антигуманістичне спрямування, відкидаючи антропологічно центрований гуманізм попередніх епох. Докладно розглядаються два романи: "Ситий світ" німецького письменника Хельмута Крауссера та "Бомжі Донбасу" Олексія Чупи. Імагологія на основі антигуманістичних тенденцій становить своєрідність цих романів: наскрізний образ безхатченка в обох романах аналізується як у плані цивілізаційної глобалізації та контркультурних важелів, так і зважаючи на традиційні детермінанти.
   The article deals with the typological convergence at the level of ideology and the image of the homeless man in the part of literature that adheres to the anti-humanist orientation, rejecting the anthropological humanism of previous epochs. Two novels are considered in details: "The Sweet World" by the German writer Helmut Krausser and "Bomzhey of Donbass" by Alexei Chupa. Imagology on the basis of antihumanist tendencies is a peculiarity of these novels: a through image of homeless man in both novels is analyzed in terms of civilizational globalization and countercultural paradigms, and taking into account traditional determinants. After analyzing the novels of Helmut Krausse&r and Alexei Chupa to identify the anti-humanist tendencies, it is possible to single out a few common features: Anti-humanism as a part of counter-culture is develops in Ukraine in the same way as in the West, provoking the emergence of marginal sub&jects and silent protest against humanism, in which there is no place for declassed subjects; o The themes of the anti-humanist novels are mostly taboo topics that encompass sex, body, and social disadvantages; o Classical motifs (music, literature, &book) in the structure of anti-humanist novels give in ideological transformations with the aim of discrediting old anthropologically centered humanism; o Onyric fragments of both novels is not only segment the text in the style of postmodernists, bu&t transfer the reader to the world of concealed horror of the homeless; they are psychological evidence of the social causes of personal degradation, that is, they become denunciations; o in the novels of this group happy limbs cannot be present, as &the profound pessimism, which takes over the text, also sets the plot logic; o confined to the subject homeless in the literature of anti-humanist orientation, however, almost all the signs of this type of thinking in the novels were traced and we ca&n consider the novels with this subject belong to clearly counter-cultural; o novels of an anti-humanist orientation not only reveal the gaps in the old classical anthropological humanism, but also but much complemented by individual illusions of aut&hors. These novels clearly fall out from the system of classical aesthetics and poetics, embodying a renewal of literature based on seemingly nonaesthetic objects and subjects. This new literary creation causes disgust and at the same time - admirati&on. The catharsis in such work is bordered by an aversion from touching to the disgust. A new line of aesthetics, such as moving it into a disgusting one, can be determined by the textual peculiarity of these novels.

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