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Опис документа:

Автор: Петровська М.А., Карлик Ю.І.
Назва: Оцінка якості питної води Старосамбірського району Львівської області
Видавництво: Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
Сторінок: C. 57-65
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Гідрологія, гідрохімія і гідроекологія
Анотація:   Розглянуто природно-географічні передумови і систему водопостачання Старосамбірського району Львівської області; оцінено якість питної води у містах Старий Самбір, Хирів, Добромиль і селі Стрільбичі; з"ясовано тарифну політику; простежено проблеми забезпечення якісною питною водою поселень, запропоновано заходи щодо покращення якості води.
   Рассмотрены природно-географические предпосылки и систему водоснабжения Старосамборского района Львовской области; оценено качество питьевой воды в городах СтарыйСамбор, Хыров, Добромиль и селе Стрельбичи; выяснено тарифную политику; прослежено проблемы обеспечения качественной питьевой водой поселений, предложены меры по улучшению качества воды.
   Starosambir district is one of the 20 districts of Lviv region,situated in its south-western part. Water intake from the groundwater sources for the needs of the district amounts to 98.5%, while from the surface waters - just 1.5%. The average available water resources in the district - 1.28 thousand m3 /year for aperson, and average daily water supply - 6.8 thousand m3 . There are three fresh water reservoirs and three pumping stations in the district. Total length of the centralized water supply network is 65.4 km. The coverage of rural settlements of Staros&ambir district with the centralized water supply is around 3%. Dwellers mostly use the water from private wells. Drinking water samples taken from towns Staryi Sambir, Hyriv, Dobromyl comply with the requirements of DSaNPiN 2.2.4.-171-10, violations &of MPC were not observed, water is fully suitable for consumption. In order to assess the compliance of water with the quality standards for drinking needs in rural areas, a sample from a well with depth of 8 m in the Strilbychi village was taken, wh&ere only 0.5% of households have access to centralized water supply. The chemical analysis showed that the water belongs to hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium class and is neutral according to hydrogen index (pH). Biogenic components (nitrites and ammoniu&m) are absent in water. Nitrates content is within the MPC. Only a slightly higher content of hardness salts was observed (6.8 and 5.3 mg / dm3 ), that is, by this indicator, the water belongs to the solid group, yet does not exceed the MPC (7.0 mg /& dm3 ). The unsatisfactory technical conditions of the water supply network cause systemic breakthroughs of metal and cast iron pipes (2-3 per week), laid out back in the 70"s of the last century. The actual loss of water is more than 50%. Frequent r&epair and maintenance works create discomfort for consumers, which is associated with intermittent water supply and deterioration of water quality, which creates the threat to the health of the population. Water treatment utilities are functioning ac&cording to outdated state standards. Most of the water suppliers use the old technology of chlorination treatment and settling. The reason is the lack of funds to upgrade. Water intake in the countryside is carried out with the help of shallow wells &and pumps. Sources of pollution are domestic waste water, waste water from livestock farms, agricultural waste, soluble mineral fertilizers and other compounds that improve soil fertility and get into ground water. Drinking water from wells is used w&ithout preliminary cleaning and decontamination. The biggest problem is the frequent decrease in water level in wells. To improve the quality of water, it is necessary to implement a number of measures that require significant funds.

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