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Опис документа:

Автор: Дроботенко М.
Назва: Постколоніальний вплив на політичні реалії сучасної України
Видавництво: Міленіум+
Сторінок: С. 31-34
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Українознавчий альманах
Анотація:   "The article examines some of the issues of the realities of state building processes from the point of existence and impact of cause-effect relationships of different nature. It considers features that may lead to the postcolonial dependence of the state in current historical, geopolitical and economic realities of modern Ukraine. Examples of factors of disintegration processes of political associations, which are considered by Russian scientists (as an example of science-based technology) prove the danger of external influence and have real consequences of the actions of the aggressive foreign policy of the neighboring state. This allows the aggressor country to induce or accelerate the process of disintegration and collapse of existing or potentialunities in the zone of its interests and, as practice shows, is used by Russia on allcontinents. The author considers the political corruption as one of the factors that can lead to the inhibition of the development of the country as an independent and sovereign state – and, thus, reinforces its dependence on foreign countries. The article provides some signs of institutional, political and normative prerequisites for the development of corruption in the country. This article analyzes the problems a&nd prospects of postcolonial discourse in modern Ukrainian social and humanitarian sciences. Postcolonial dependence of the state rapidly grows when: 1) increases control of internal and external policies from the foreign state; 2) grows dependence o&f political, social and economic decisions; 3) the appointment of individuals at main state positions are controlled from the outside; 4) in the structure of exports dominated by raw materials; 5) increasing external pressure during the signing of ag&reements and contracts; 6) are created unfavorable conditions for the development of its own economy; 7) increases control and dependent of financial system from foreign banks and financial institutions; 8) imposing citizens of the postcolonial count&ry foreign language and culture continues; 9) occurs falsification of historical events; 10) continues «brain drain» abroad and are destroyed human potential. The presence of nationally-conscious and educated patriotic citizens, primarily young peopl&e, the intellectual potential of the state, and modern and well-thought system of training of scientific, technical, military personnel becomes a prerequisite for strengthening the country and further prevents any dependence. This ensures the country& the compliance of partnership relations in its foreign policy, security and, thus, a high level of economic development".

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