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Опис документа:

Автор: Постоюк Н.
Назва: Активні методи навчання майбутніх фахівців освітньої сфери у працях українських учених-педагогів
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 57-59
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Здійснено аналіз актуальних ідей із проблеми практичної підготовки майбутніх фахівців освітньої сфери. Детально розглянуто зміст, історичний аспект, специфіку активних методів навчання у досвіді українських педагогів минулого та сучасності. Особливий акцент поставлено на сучасних технологіях навчання студентів. Виняткову увагу приділено інтерактивним методам та прийомам навчання у ЗВО.
   The article analyzes current ideas about the problem of practical training of future specialists in the educationalsphere. The content, historical aspect, specificity of active teaching methods in the experience of Ukrainian educators of the past and the present have considered in detail. A special emphasis is put on modern technologies for teaching students. Exceptional attention has been paid to interactive methods and teaching methods in the higher education institutions. The competent use of various active methods of teaching while conducting classes in higher education institutions makes it possible to make the process of mastering theoretical knowledge and the formation of practical skills not only interesting but also more productive. It has been proved that during such classes the level of cognitive activity of the students increases, the acquired knowl&edge is more flexible, critical thinking develops and the ability to make creative non-standard decisions is formed, future specialists become independent learners. The activity of the teacher is inferior to the activity of the listeners. Thus, it ha&s been concluded that the use of active methods in the educational process of institutions of higher education provides the necessary conditions for the development of creative abilities of students, the desire to improve their own professional level&, the formation of professional and personal qualities, the possession of modern educational innovations and their implementation in the educational process of higher education, formation of the ability to navigate new situations, find new approaches& to solving professional situations and generalize their own pedagogical experience. The choice of active teaching methods helps to attract students to active communicative activities during classes, promotes self-mastery of skills and abilities, the& search for the necessary linguistic means, and the ways of solving various tasks.

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