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Опис документа:

Автор: Кошечко Н.
Назва: Фасилітація як інноваційна технологія управління педагогічними конфліктами у закладах вищої освіти
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 24-29
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Здійснено аналіз актуальних ідей із проблеми управління педагогічними конфліктами у вищій школі. Особливий акцент зроблено на інноваційних технологіях керування. Виняткову увагу приділено технології фасилітації в управлінні педагогічними конфліктами вітчизняних закладів вищої освіти. Детально розглянуто зміст, історичний аспект, принципи, етапи, стадії, специфіку фасилітації. Узагальнено функції, мету, дії, прийоми, техніки викладача-фасилітатора у вирішенні конфліктних ситуацій у вищій школі.
   The article analyzes actual ideas on the problem of managing pedagogical conflicts in higher education. Special emphasis is put on innovative management technologies. Exclusive attention is paid to the technology of facilitation in the management of pedagogical conflicts of domestic institutions of higher education. The contents, historical aspect, principles, stages, specificity of the facilitation are considered in detail. The functions, purpose, actions, techniques, techniques of the faculty-facilitator in solving conflict situations in the high school are generalized. The technology of pedagogical facilitation involves the use of various resource techniques. The most common of them are "Open Space", "World Caf?", "Future Search", "Appreciative Inquir&y Summit", "Work Out". Working with a group of students while studying the discipline "Pedagogical Conflictology", the facilitator constantly supports two processes: solving problems and ensuring the procedure, positive atmosphere in the group. Summa&rizing all the above, we conclude that facilitation is an effective productive technology in the management of pedagogical conflicts in higher education. Its main content is put into the following statement of the facilitator: "I will help you - I kn&ow the purpose and we will find a way together for it!". The facilitator is the person who organizes the process, engages the participants, and structs the work of the group. Teacher-facilitator - a person who didactically competently and qualitative&ly provides a successful group communication of students. That is, it solves the tasks, contributing to the comfortable atmosphere and fruitfulness of the discussion. Facilitator transforms the communication process into a convenient and easy for all& its participants, helps the group to understand the overall goal and maintains a positive group dynamics to achieve this goal in the process of discussion, while not protecting one of the positions or parties. Therefore, facilitation is an effective& tool, a universal technology, the mastery of which greatly enhances the quality of mastering not only the discipline "Pedagogical conflictology", other training courses, but also the professional and personal competence and productivity of students &in general, at the expense of saving time, resources and creative perspectives.

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