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Опис документа:

Автор: Гуда К. В., Остроградська О. С.
Назва: Реаналіз: прикладні та теоретичні аспекти досліджень на території Європи
Видавництво: Про Формат
Сторінок: С. 130-137
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Гідрологія, гідрохімія і гідроекологія
Анотація:   Представлено огляд досліджень останніх років на території Європи, виконаних на основі даних реаналізів ECMWF (ERA-40, ERA-Interim, ERA-5) і NCEP/NCAR, та досвіду їх використання для вирішення прикладних задач.
   Представлен обзор исследований последних лет на территории Европы, выполненных на основе данных реанализов ECMWF (ERA-40, ERA-Interim, ERA-5) и NCEP/NCAR, и опыта их использования для решения прикладных задач.
   A meteorological reanalysis is a meteorological data assimilation project which aims to assimilate historical observational data spanning an extended period, using a single consistent assimilation (or "analysis") scheme throughout. Over the past 20 years, atmospheric reanalysis has been a connecting link between observations and simulations, and has greatly improved the ability to analyze climate variability. Reanalysis allows to carry out thorough monitoring of the climatic system of the Earth, where direct observations are nondense (for example, due to an increase in the surface temperature of the Arctic), and its data is used for research and training, as well as for commercial applications.
   In the context of present-day global and regional climate change, it is important to study the dynamics of the basic atmospheric parameters& and for high-quality and consistent assessments of its state it is important to familiarize with such method and research tool as a reanalysis.
   The purpose of this paper is to highlight the state of the issue regarding to the main characteristics o&f reanalyses, recent research in Europe conducted on the basis of ECMWF (ERA-40, ERA-Interim, ERA-5) and NCEP/NCAR reanalyses and their experience of using to solve applied tasks.
   ERA5, the fifth generation of atmospheric reanalyses of the global cl&imate, became the first reanalysis that was created as an operational service and provides data at significantly higher spatial and temporal resolution than its predecessor, ERA-Interim. The reanalyzes of both ERA5 and ERA-Interim offer a detailed de&scription of atmospheric circulation over the past 40-65 years.
   One of the main advantages of reanalysis NCEP for observations is the completeness of their spatial and temporal coverage. This makes them potentially ideal for exploring the broad sphe&res of climate change on a global and regional scale. However, there is a need for an accurate analysis of climatic conditions for any benefit.
   Reanalysis has proven itself as a reliable source about the climate of the past. In addition to research &of climatic conditions (both individual territories and parts of the continents) and climate change, reanalysis data are successfully used for applied wind energy projects. Despite the presence of domestic publications using reanalysis data, an asses&sment of its accuracy for the territory of Ukraine was not carried out. The question (at least for the territory of Ukraine) of usage of solar reanalysis data remains opened.

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