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Опис документа:

Автор: Швартау В.В., Вирыч П.А., Маковейчук Т.И., Артеменко А.Ю.
Назва: Кальций в растительных клетках
Сторінок: С. 19-32
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Дніпропетровського університету
Анотація:   Представлены данные о роли кальция в растительных организмах. Описано участие элемента в процессах размножения, роста и развития, поглощения и транспорта веществ, реакции на неблагоприятные факторы окружающей среды, в защитных реакциях на повреждения патогенами и в симбиотических взаимодействиях. Рассмотрены молекулярные и биофизические механизмы транспорта Ca2+, его участие в сигнальных системах, регуляции концентрации в компартментах клетки. Рассмотрены основные механизмы моделирования поведения кальциевой сигнальной системы в зависимости от типа фактора влияния и возможные модификации ответа путем влияния на ключевые компоненты системы.
   The paper gives the review on the role of calcium in many physiological processes of plant organisms, including growth and development, protection from pathogenic influences, response to changing environmental factors, and many other aspects of plant physiology. Initial intake of calcium ions is carried out by Ca2+-channels of plasma membrane and they are further transported by the xylem owing to auxins’ attractive ability. The level of intake and selectivity of calcium transport to ove-ground parts of the plant is controlled by a symplast. Ca2+enters to the cytoplasm of endoderm cells through calcium channels& on the cortical side of Kaspary bands, and is redistributed inside the stele by the symplast, with the use of Ca2+-АТPases and Ca2+/Н+-antiports. Owing to regulated xpression and activity of these calcium transporters, calclum can be selectively de&livered to the xylem. Important role in supporting calcium homeostasis is given to the vacuole which is the largest depo of calcium. Regulated quantity of calcium movement through the tonoplast is provided by a number of potential-, ligand-gated acti&ve transporters and channels, like Ca2+-ATPase and Ca2+/H+ exchanger. They are actively involved in the inactivation of the calcium signal by pumping Ca2+ to the depo of cells. Calcium ATPases are high affinity pumps that efficiently transfer calcium& ions against the concentration gradient in their presence in the solution in nanomolar concentrations. Calcium exchangers are low affinity, high capacity Ca2+ transporters that are effectively transporting calcium after raising its concentration in &the cell cytosol through the use of protons gradients. Maintaining constant concentration and participation in the response to stimuli of different types also involves EPR, plastids, mitochondria, and cell wall. Calcium binding proteins contain sever&al conserved sequences that provide sensitivity to changes in the concentration of Ca2+ and when you connect ion conformationally rearranged, thus passing the signal through the chain of intermediaries. The most important function of calcium is its p&articipation in many cell signaling pathways. Channels, pumps, gene expression, synthesis of alkaloids, protective molecules, NO etc. respond to changes in [Ca2+]cyt, while transductors are represented by a number of proteins. The universality of cal&cium is evident in the study in connection with other signaling systems, such as NO, which is involved in the immune response and is able to control the feedback activity of protein activators channels, producing nitric oxide. Simulation of calcium r&esponses can determine the impact of key level and their regulation, and also depends on the type of stimulus and the effector protein that specifically causes certain changes. Using spatiotemporal modeling, scientists showed that the key components &for the formation of Ca2+ bursts are the internal and external surfaces of the nucleus membrane. The research was aimed at understanding of the mechanisms of influence of Ca2+-binding components on Ca2+ oscillations. The simulation suggests the exist&ence of a calcium depot EPR with conjugated lumen of the nucleus which releases its contents to nucleoplasm. With these assumptions, the mathematical model was created and confirmed experimentally. It describes the oscillation of nuclear calcium in r&

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