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Опис документа:

Автор: Dvigun A., Metelenko N.
Назва: Decentralization of Power: Financial Problems and Priority Development Directions
Видавництво: ТОВ "Книжково-журнальна друкарня "СОФІЯ"
Сторінок: P. 74-80
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Стратегічна панорама
Анотація:   Децентралізація влади: фінансові проблеми та пріоритетні напрями розвитку. "The author considers the concept of decentralization of power as a process of state power alienation in favor of the territorial community as well as mechanisms of interaction between public authorities and local governments. The author analyzes the development of creating associations of territorial communities (ATC); substantiates positive results of fiscal decentralization reform; outlines the further directions of the budget decentralization reform in Ukraine. The budget decentralization as a decentralization of financial and material resources was examined. The author formulates advantages and component parts of the budget decentralization; analyzes the changes that took place during the decentralization of power reform, which have affected the processes of budget regulation. It is proved that reduction of subsidies of local budgets is one of the main indicators, which refers to increasing the financial independence of local governments. It is noted that special attention should be paid to the ecological tax. The author proposes to consider at the governmental level the possibility of keeping the ecological tax in full in the budgets of those settlements, where there& is an extremely high level of man-made and anthropogenic load. According to the results of the research, the author proposes
   the measures aimed at strengthening the financial basis of local governments; reveals the problems of budget decentralizati&on implementation; considers the problems of financial provision of territories development. The author comes to the conclusion that the interrelation of legislative changes in the Tax and Budget Codes has contributed t te transformation of local bud&gets into effective instrument of socioeconomic development of administrative and territorial units. The author underlines the need of strengthening control and responsibility for compliance with budget legislation on the way to solving financial pro&blems of power decentralization".

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