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Опис документа:

Автор: Kontorovich V.M., Trofymenko S.V.
Назва: Reflection of positron radiation from star surface and shift of inter pulse position in Crab pulsar
Сторінок: P. 30-35
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics
Анотація:   The pulsed radiation from the Crab pulsar consists of the main pulse (MP) and inter pulse (IP), as well as of the extra pulse components appearing at certain frequencies. It has been studied in many frequencies and contains unique information, which is not available for the majority of the pulsars. One of the mysteries of these data, found by Moffett and Hankins twenty years ago, is the shift of the IP at high radio frequencies compared to lower ones and return to its previous position in the more high-frequency optical and X-ray range. We propose the explanation of these mysterious changes with the frequency as a reflection of radiation by relativistic positrons from the stellar surface. The magnetic field of the pulsar in the pole must be inclined to the surface of the star and affects on the discussed processes.

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