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Опис документа:

Автор: Vasylenko M.Yu. , Kudrya Yu.N.
Назва: Dipole bulk velocity based on new data sample of galaxies from the catalogue 2MFGC
Сторінок: P. 6-11
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics
Анотація:   We use the 2MFGC catalogue for investigation of large-scale flows on the basis of the Tully-Fisher relation (TFR). The catalogue contains 18020 galaxies selected from the extended sources of the infrared sky survey 2MASS XSC. The majority of galaxies inthe catalogue are spiral galaxies of late morphological types whose discs are visible almost from the edge. For more than a decade of the catalogue usage, the number of galaxies in HyperLEDA database with the measured radial velocities and rotational velocities (that are necessary to construct the TFR) has been increased by about 17%. In this paper, an updated working sample of 2MFGC galaxies is presented and earlier results are revised taking into account new data. We have confined ourselves to comparison of only the "old" and "new" parameters of the dipole component of the velocity field. The dipole bulk motion of galaxies of this sample with respect to cosmic microwave radiation is characterised by a velocity of V=264±36 km/s in the direction l=308°±8°, b=-16°±6°.

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