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Опис документа:

Автор: Тучна І.
Назва: Модель соціального центру для літніх людей в Чеській Республіці
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 25-28
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Київський Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка / Київський, університет імені національний; відп. ред. О.В. Чуйко ; редкол.: Н.М. Чернуха, Н.Ю. Максимова, Л.А. Найдьонова [та ін.]. - Київ: Київський університет, 2017
Анотація:   Досліджено досвід Чехії щодо соціально-реабілітаційних послуг людям із деменцією, котрі живуть в будинках для літніх людей. Проаналізовано системи надання соціально-реабілітаційних послуг на прикладі окремого закладу.
   Исследован опыт Чехии с социально-реабилитационных услуг людям с деменцией, которые живут в домах престарелых. Проанализированы системы предоставления социально-реабилитационных услуг на примере отдельного учреждения.
   The article provides the review of the Czech experience of social rehabilitation services for people with dementia in the Elderly Care Homes.
   The author stresses the necessity of Western models of social support and rehabilitation researching and implementation. Thus, she regards an example of an effective model of providing social services for the elderly in Czech Republic.
   In the study of the experience in the provision of social services in the Czech Republic, there is the problem of closed resources and the lack of a correct translation of sources, publications andauthors. The policy in the field of social work does not provide for an intensive exchange of experience outside the European Union. This problem does not permit the full disclosure and understanding of the system of the provision of social services &in the Czech Republic and the possible adoption of experience.
   The article reviews the categories of social support in the Czech Republic, accordingly to its essence and goals and provides a description of basic activities (aimed on cognitive proces&ses development; physical exercises; maintaining the optimal psyhoemotional level and self-confidence, e.t.c.) The author gives an examples of studies, which show a positive influence of care-system on elderly"s health and wellbeing.
   It also stresse&d main issues of the Elderly Care Homes are: a) regardless of the financing of the social center, work in it is not considered prestigious and highly paid, because of no possibilities of employees career growth; b) neglecting the development of hard &clients, focusing only on those who can show quick results in the exercise; c) stigmatization and stereotypes towards clients, for example, unequal treatment of Czechs and emigrants; d) the lack of clear monitoring, due to meeting the needs of custom&ers and so on.
   Analyzing the experience of the functioning of Elderly Care Homes in the Czech Republic, the author summarizes the most positive aspects, such as the possibility of personal control of financial costs; the decent level of social insti&tutions functioning; extremely high level of professional trainings; clearness and accuracy of all activity types in the Center.

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