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Опис документа:

Автор: Пацурія Н.Б.
Назва: Кодифікація господарського законодавства й розвиток страхових відносин: співвідношення, доцільність, вплив на економіку
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 143-156
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   Codification is a specific feature of continental European law-making process. According to these approaches codification is a necessary condition of structuring the law on the basis of the branches, it could ensure systematic improvement of the legislation, providing the possibility of synthesis of the mentioned approach as well as a combination of commitment to their own experience, taking into account the achievements of world civilization, especially in the regulation of economic relations. The codification provides the opportunity to create this common legislative framework, fundamental laws clarifying their provisions in compliance with development of the society, instead of infinite publication of many new laws. Many laws alone cannot provide aconsistent system, transparent regulation. Author underlined the drawbacks & examples of negative quality of legislation, undermining its effectiveness, the degree of implementation. In this respect, prospective studies could become a subject of research in economic analysis of law (Law and economics) and efficiency of legal regulation of several spheres of industry and efficiency of it"s legal regulation. The main "ideologist" of Modern Law and economics R. A. Posner introduced into scientific doct&rine the principle of efficiency, the essence of which is that economic analysis of the law allows such decisions that encourage lawyers to simulate a "perfect market". The above formula is well-known to the law community. Author reviewed the categor&y system-legal economic order, normative principles enshrined in the ch. 1, Art. 5 of the Commercial Code of Ukraine. Today the specified combination of two disciplines - human and economic - successfully implemented within the economic and legal doc&trine, including the study of insurance relations. In this regard, attention should be paid to the initiative of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on elimination of the Commercial Code of Ukraine, which in our opinion, could lead to negative effects&. Commercial Code of Ukraine is an act of systematization, based on the branched economic legislation. In addition codification of economic legislation provides the main aim of the economy - optimizes the private and public interests, that provides l&egal economic order in the economy. The said without exaggeration may be applied to insurance as a system of insurance relations category that requires proper legal regulation and regulation by means of economic and legal means, including the rules o&f economic legislation. Improper application of economic and legal scientific achievements in the context of implementation of the economic analysis of law leads to practical issues in insurance activities. A striking example is the normalization of &the legal status of mutual insurance under the legislation of Ukraine and uncertainties as to insurance object. The Ukrainian legislation at the modern stage is represented by different branches, has difficult structure, that crossed horizontal and v&ertical relationships, legislative arrays are of different levels, and there have been persistent tendency to unification, which requires further research, and securing insurance within legal norms of the Commercial Code of Ukraine.
   У статті дослідж&уються питання впливу кодифікації господарського законодавства на практику правотворчості, правозастосування та правореалізації при встановленні, зміні й припиненні страхових правовідносин. Визначаються теоретичне підґрунтя кодифікації та її доцільні&сть, своєчасність і позитивність. Обґрунтовуються процеси конвергенції та інфільтрації економіки й права через призму кодифікації господарського законодавства. Вказується на вплив кодифікації господарського законодавства на розвиток науки господарськ&ого права, зокрема в частині досліджень за напрямом "страхова діяльність, страхові правовідносини".
   В статье исследуются вопросы влияния кодификации законодательства на практику правотворчества, правоприменения и правореализации при установлении, из&

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