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Опис документа:

Автор: Hruzd-Matuszczyk, A.
Назва: Collaboration of parents and teachers - from theoretical assumptions to their practical implementation (the case of polish school abroad)
Сторінок: P. 28-35
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: The Modern Higher Education review
Анотація:   The study is an attempt at characterizing the theoretical assumptions concerning
   the collaboration of teachers and parents which are implemented in the space of school.
   What is outlined in the article is the cooperation in the space of the Polish community
   living abroad in the culturally diversified environment.
   The proper functioning of school depends on cooperation between teachers, students
   and parents. The effectiveness of the cooperation of parents and teachers is determined
   by many complex factors. In this study, the principles and problems are brought closer
   that arise from asymmetric positioning of educational subjects (students, teachers
   and parents), which generates different needs and ideas in mutual cooperation. This
   is exemplified here by the Polish-language school education system, whose activity
   reflects the needs and possibilities of the Polish communities in culturally heterogeneous
   European environments in the creation and functioning of Polish-speaking educational
   institutions and the involvement of the community gathered around these schools.
   Співпраця батьків та вчителів - від теоретичних припущень до практичної реалізації (ситуація польської школи за кордоном) та позиції на ринку праці.

Пошук: заповніть хоча б одне з полів

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