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Опис документа:

Автор: Bobrytska V.
Назва: Educational portal seen as a key component of informatisation of contemporary tertiary education
Сторінок: P. 130-137
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: The Modern Higher Education review
Анотація:   The article reveals the role of an education portal as a key component of informatisation of modern tertiary education; proves the applicability of using of Web-pages of the educational portal in occupational activity of teachers/lecturers in the settings of informatisation of tertiary school; specifies the structural components of the educational Portal along with the main features of an educational portal of higher educational institution; gives the insights into the types of portals (horizontal, vertical) viewed as a key component of informatisation of tertiary school; highlights best practices of the use Web-portal pages in the process of professional training of students of higher educational institutions; reveals the advantages of the educational portal regarded to be the key component of informatisation of tertiary education; outlines the essential features of the basic concepts for this study.
   Розглядається освітній портал як ключовий компонент інформатизації сучасної вищої освіти.

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