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Опис документа:

Автор: Ващенко Ю.В.
Назва: Навчально-методичне забезпечення підготовки та підвищення кваліфікації юридичних кадрів для незалежних органів державного регулювання
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 145-150
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   У статті обґрунтовується важливість належного кадрового забезпечення незалежних органів державного регулювання в певних сферах економіки та доцільність запровадження спеціальних навчальних дисциплін, спрямованих на підготовку та підвищення кваліфікації юридичних кадрів для регульованих галузей, зокрема для сфери енергетики.
   The article explores issues of learning and teaching encouragement of training and advance training of legal personnel for the independent regulatory authorities. At the present moment there is a group of independent state bodies in the system of public administration in Ukraine national commissions that conduct state regulation in certain fields of economy. There are National Energy and Communal Services Regulatory Commission, National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization, the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, the National Commission for the Financial Markets Sphere State Regulation. Efficiency of their activity mostly depends on the level of professional training of their staff. Undoubtedly, the legal personnel play a significant role in encouraging the adequate activity of independent regulatory bodies. Professional level of legal personnel depends mostly on relevant educ&ation. The study discipline "Legal status of regulatory authorities" has been teaching for master students of the Faculty of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv since 2013/2014 academic year upon the initiative of the author of this a&rticle aims to perform the task of professional training of legal personnel for the national regulatory commissions, as well as for the market actors of regulatory industries. The study discipline consists of two content modules. The first one is dev&oted to the theoretical and historical aspects of institutionally-legal encouragement of state economic regulation. In particular, the notion, features of the independent regulatory authorities are defined, as well as their place in the system of pub&lic administration, approaches to the understanding of the independence and accountability of such bodies are analyzed etc. The peculiarities of the legal status of independent regulatory authorities in certain economic fields are to be taught within& the second module. In particular, the requirements of the EU legislation on institutional encouragement of state regulation in certain economic fields, as well as the EU Member States experience on its implementation are analyzed within this module.& It is concluded that the studies of issues mentioned above are of significant importance for the professional training of the legal personnel of public administration, as well as of market actors of the regulated industries. The students demonstrate& ability to analyze difficult problems of the organization and functioning of the independent regulatory authorities. Besides, it is recommended to develop and organize the advance training for the personnel of national regulatory commissions and mar&ket players of regulatory industries devoted to legal issues of state economic regulation.
   В статье обосновывается важность надлежащего кадрового обеспечения независимых органов государственного регулирования в некоторых сферах экономики и целесообр&азность внедрения специальных учебных дисциплин, направленных на подготовку и повышение квалификации юридических кадров для регулируемых отраслей, в частности для сферы энергетики.

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