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Опис документа:

Автор: Воловик В., Яцюк В.
Назва: Німецькі сільські етнокультурні ландшафти Поділля ХІХ - початку ХХ сторіччя
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 103-107
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Розглянуто особливості структури німецьких сільських етнокультурних ландшафтів Поділля у ХІХ - початку ХХ ст. Проаналізовано публікації, присвячені досліджуваній темі. Розкрито історико-культурні особливості німецької колонізації регіону. Розглянуто ландшафтну структуру та особливості природокористування найбільших німецьких сільськогосподарських колоній Поділля: Бекерсдорфу, Конопівки, Михайлини, Краснодолу. Отримано результати, що зазначають позитивний вплив на природокористування досліджуваного регіону, що у свою чергу позитивно вплинуло на решту етнокультурних ландшафтів.
   Рассмотрены особенности структуры немецких сельских этнокультурных ландшафтов Подолья в XIX - начале ХХ веков. Проанализированы публикации, посвященные исследуемой теме. Раскрыто историко-культурные особенности немецкой колонизации региона. Рассмотрены ландшафтная структура и особенности природопользования крупнейших немецких сельскохозяйственных колоний Подолья: Бекерсдорфа, Коноповки, Михайлины, Краснодола. Полученные результаты отмечают положительное влияние на природопользование исследуемого региона, что в свою очередь положительно повлияло на остальные этнокультурные ландшафты.
   The article deals with the features of the structure of the German rural ethnocultural land&scapes of Podillia in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The publications are devoted to the topic under study. The historical and cultural features of the German colonization of the studied region, which began with the XIV century, are re&vealed. The formation of German rural eth nocultural landscapes was different from the local ones, gaining rice of European towns. In the nineteenth century, they were represented by rural colonies that did not have a complete coverage, as Ukrainian &villages. Colonies consisted of dispersed located at considerable distances of separate courtyards. Each yard was formed on the place of the bottom landscapes, in the central part of the land of the family. The colonists were engaged in agriculture. &The formation of the German colonies of Eastern Galicia is due to the peculiarities of the structure of rural residential landscapes: the villages were located along the river valleys, the population exceeded the local natural resource potential. Ger&man colonies, in connection with a dense settlement system, occupied the fields or public lands of Ukrainian villages. Their topographical position is connected with low-productive landscape complexes, confined to watersheds and hills. Land plots arr&anged in such a way that in their structure there was a city, a hayfield, a curtain, a forest area. It is noted that the first ones were a model of the best European residential landscapes: stone and brick buildings, hard-coated roads, garden landsca&pes, wellgroomed meadows and vineyards. It was discovered that regular colonies looked like a network of rectangular blocks, separated by two main streets, located perpendicularly; in the linear colonies the main street, which within the colony had a& greater width and served as a city square, was the axial. It is noted that during the formation of the peripheral resource zone of the rural ethnocultural landscape, the German colonists gave priority to hayfields and cities, and then to arable land&s. It was analyzed that within the modern Podillya, the German colonies were located in enclaves: the western and northern parts of the Ternopil region, the northern part of the Khmelnitsky region (south of Volyn), and in the Vinnytsia region are dis&tributed dispersely, in the south-eastern and northeastern parts. The landscape structure and features of nature management of the largest German agricultural colonies of Podillya: Bektersdorf, Konopovka, Mikhailina, Krasnodol are considered. The res&ults, which indicate a positive impact on the nature of the studied region, have been obtained, which in turn has had a positive impact on the rest of the ethnocultural landscapes. Most of these ethnocultural landscapes stopped functioning in the 20-&

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