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Опис документа:

Автор: Tomaszewski R.
Назва: University in education system and the socio-cultural area. Університет в системі освіти і соціокультурному середовищі
Видавництво: НУА
Сторінок: P. 264-278
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вчені записки Харківського гуманітарного університету "Народна українська академія"
Анотація:   "The University as an institution and the educational environment was the undisputed dominant in any education system of the first half of the twentieth century. The crisis of the university under the pressure of totalitarianisms, various ideologies andfinally globalization referred to, organizational and institutional solutions, but not the very idea of an education at university. Other competing path of university education for elite or mass education (after high-school certificate) has become an adhoc solution corresponding to
   the pulse of globalization and social pressures on universal access to academic education. However, both the ideas of the university and the institutional university developed and achieved auto-adaptive capacities in various socio-cultural areas, in contrast to Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, or the wider space of the Anglo-Saxon. In the outlined areas of socio-cultural community university (academic teachers and their students) continue to perform three basic functions: scientific research, teaching and stabilizing democracy. However, in the Western Europe, Eastern Europe (post-Soviet) and the US are different proportions of these functions due to the time or place of the operation of a particular uni&versity. Between the task of training a little better workers and the formation of the spirit of the elite there is variety of education onfigurations. It seems, however, that despite of the primacy of science in the modern vision of the world (incl&uding vision of a human being) is worth to design education systems having in mind the following reflection: factory (big industrial plant) dates back
   about 170 years, and today is a relic, a supermarket is a prospect only about 40 years old and is &competing with trade via the internet, while the university is over 900 years old and there are many indications that it will survive. There is impossible to carry out specific processes of social exchange as anuniversity education without thinking a&bout university. Although various utopias that refer to virtual university, “socialist”university, supreme university or university for masses and other varieties of utopian vision are an excuse to interfere in the university community. Interference &by economists (productivism), politicians (or ideologized bureaucracy), mass media or other usurpers presenting themselves in the position of “great teachers”".

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