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Опис документа:

Автор: Левицький В.
Назва: Документ у доробку письменника-експериментатора: текстуальні особливості
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 91-102
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Українське мовознавство
Анотація:   Досліджено основні тенденції в оформленні ділових паперів письменника Олекси Влизька. Бачення документа, притаманне цьому авторові, інтерпретується в біографічному, власне лінгвістичному й текстологічному аспектах. Як наслідок, узагальнено риси ідіостилю митця в межах офіційно-ділового стилю української мови.
   The article investigates the most important trends in the formation of business papers by Oleksa Vlyzko (1908-1934). This Ukrainian writer belonged to the literary groups "Nova Heneratsiya" ("TheNew Generation"), "Molodnyak" ("The Offspring"), Ukrainian Union of Proletarian Writers and combined the elements of Vanguardistic and Neo-Romantic poetics into one.
   The aim of proposed work is determination of the standards of Ukrainian legal (official-business) style that are represented in the documents of the man of letters who gravitates to experiments in imaginative texts.
   The topicality of the research consists in the analysis of the manifestations of the author"s individuality in such style which is often treated as the kind of unemotional and even bureaucratic discourse. At the same time the conciousness of the follower of the play in the belles-lettres may be "programmed" to expressive account in another spheres.
   Vlyzko"s vision of a d&ocument is interpreted in purely linguistic, biographical and textological aspects.
   The first of them lets to discern the emotional lexical and phraseological means, methapors, Russisms with some connotations in business papers (халтура "potboiler";&
   <...> хочу щоб <...> не махали перед моїм носом, як перед носом осла оберемком сіна "I want that <...> anyone shouldn"t wave in front of my nose like he should wave with a bottle of hay in front of a nose of a donkey"; єрунда "rubbish" (Russian)).
   As biographical materials show, Oleksa Vlyzko liked various provocations and pranks. Those ways of behaviour were the notable factors of his linguistic communication with editors and state institutions.
   Finally, the rough copies of writer"s documen&ts contain many corrections, especially fixed components and words that are crossed out. This peculiarity also testifies to the evolution of Vlyzko"s special communicative etiquette and significant idiostyle in Ukrainian legal (official-business) sty&le.
   The innovatory material of the research includes the sources from Manuscript Institute at Volodymyr Ivanovych Vernadsky Ukrainian National Library.

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