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Опис документа:

Автор: Волошина О.В.
Назва: Динаміка режиму опадів в районі Причорномор"я в умовах глобального потепління
Сторінок: С. 89-97
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   Представлені результати дослідження часової мінливості кількості опадів різного тимчасового дозволу, проаналізовані основні статистичні характеристики режиму опадів, побудовані рівняння регресії за даними фактичних спостережень за опадами на станціях Одеса та Миколаїв за період з 1953 по 2008 рр.
   Research conducted by scientists from different countries during the second half of the last century, confirmed the opinion on climate change, which is primarily manifested in changes of the temperature regime of the planet Earth: global warming and the transformation of the temperature field. As a result of these changes and the transformation of the observed precipitation field. But if the question changes in temperature have all come to a consensus about the increase in air temperature, changes in precipitation, as one of the indicators of moisture regime, a definite point of view does not yet exist: in some regions of the globe, they significantly increased and some decreased markedly. This has led to the emergence of such catastrophic events as floods and landslides, which violated the terms of life and life of many inhabitants of the globe, not only in Southeast Asia, but also in Ukraine. On the other hand, the decrease in precipitation, especiall&y in the warmer half of the year with a significant increase in air temperature, which occurred last year, contributing to the spread of such wonderful things as fires. Therefore, the investigation of temporal changes in temperature and precipitation& on the territory of Ukraine does not cease to be relevant. The main objective of the study - the study of the nature of temporal changes in precipitation during the second half of the last century and assessing the direction of these changes in the &future in the South region of Ukraine, according to the station of Odessa Observatory and Nikolaev. To solve these tasks were the multi-year rainfall data of different temporal resolutions that are obtained from climate handbooks of the individual ye&ars of publication, and the actual data observations for the period 1953 to 2008. The latter allowed a more detailed analysis of the precipitation regime in the second half of the twentieth century, to define the distribution laws, which they obey, t&o establish possible deviations from the norm with a different frequency.
   Analysis of the temporal distribution of rainfall of various temporal resolutions in the area of the black sea, namely in the territory of the Odessa and Nikolaev areas during& the second half of the last century using methods of statistical analysis allowed us to establish a clear trend of changes in annual precipitation in the second half of the twentieth century is difficult due to different focus of the process into se¶te intervals of time. Thus, according to Odessa from the beginning of the study period from 1953 to the end of 80-ies of the observed decline in annual precipitation to values much smaller than normal. Since the beginning of 90-ies there is a cha&nge of sign of the trend: the observed increase in precipitation almost to the end of the century, with many of them exceeding the standards since 1995. Since 2001, there has again been a tendency to reduce precipitation. Almost a similar pattern occ&urred at station Nikolaev, but their increase after 1992 occurred against the backdrop of the total less than normal.
   Представлены результаты исследования временной изменчивости количества осадков различного временного разрешения, проанализированы о&сновные статистические характеристики режима осадков, построенные уравнения регрессии по данным наблюдений за осадками на станциях Одесса и Николаев за период с 1953 по 2008 гг.

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