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Опис документа:

Автор: Ілляшенко І.О.
Назва: Екологічний стан довкілля міста Києва: ризики, загрози, небезпеки
Сторінок: С. 40-44
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан екологічної та природно-техногенної безпеки міста Києва. Розглянуто складові природної небезпеки для території міста, таких як зсувні процеси, процеси підтоплення та комплексні гідрометеорологічні явища. Також увагаприділена техногенним ризикам - радіаційному, гідродинамічному, хімічному та пожежо-, вибухонебезпеці.
   The article analyzes the current state of environmental and natural-technogenic safety in Kiev. The components of the natural hazards to the city, such as landslides, flooding processes and complex meteorological phenomena. Special attention is paid to technological risks - radiation, hydrodynamic, chemical and fire, explosion.
   The state of natural-technogenic and environmental safety of Kyiv is extremely complicated. The natural component of the hazard is caused, primarily, by the complex relief. Thus, among natural threats and risks are landslide processes, flooding, complex meteorological phenomena, etc. The relatively small territory of the city is oversaturated with complex engineering structures and production (radiation, chemical, hydrodynamic, explosion fire hazard) and has one of the highest population density. At the risk of emergency situation there will be a few million people in th&e affected area. According to the State Service of Emergencies of Ukraine, during 2014 the death toll as a result of emergencies accounted for 3 people and 33 people suffered. In 2013 there were 7 ES, the number of sufferers and dead were 95 and 3 pe&ople, respectively.
   The volume of material losses was significant; moreover, funds were attracted to overcome consequences of emergencies. The implementation of preventive measures in supporting naturaltechnogenic and environmental safety of Kyiv is& funded mainly within the framework of the state and region target programs of civil protection.
   Any economic activity and especially the one that is on the densely populated areas can cause appearance and distribution of ecological and natural-tech&nogenic threats and dangers. Therefore, special attention in the implementation of hazardous economic activity for Kyiv should be paid to observance of a number of principles, including: prevention, due diligence, compliance with international enviro&nmental laws and so on. Today enterprises of large cities is a potential source of contamination for the territories of Ukraine and neighboring countries as a result of a number of economic, technical, technological, organizational and other reasons.& Our own funds and reserves for prevention are unfortunately not enough (it is confirmed by underfunding the leading state target programs to prevent risks and dangers of emergencies).
   В статье проанализировано современное состояние экологической и &природно-техногенной безопасности города Киева. Рассмотрены составляющие природной опасности для территории города, таких как оползневые процессы, процессы подтопления и комплексные гидрометеорологические явления. Также внимание уделено техногенным р&искам - радиационном, гидродинамическом, химическом и пожаро-, взрывоопасности.

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