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Опис документа:

Автор: Антоненко В.С., Круківська А.В.
Назва: До питання агрокліматичної оцінки потенціалу урожайності соняшника на території Київської області
Сторінок: С. 84-88
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   Представлено результати оцінки теоретично можливих рівнів урожайності соняшника в агрокліматичних районах Київської області, виконаної на засадах методу еталонних урожаїв.
   The agroclimatic assessment of the potential yields of sunflower at the territory of Kiev region on the basis of method of reference yields (H. Tooming) has been carried out. In this method the principle of maximum productivity of agricultural crops has been implemented also several main categories of agrocenosis productivity have been determined. These categories characterize the impact of different groups of limiting factors on the yield formation - climate, soil, economic.
   In the paper the potential and the actually possible yields of sunflower are analyzed. The potential yieldit"s the yield which can be obtained in quite favorable soil and climatic conditions when the requirements of cultivation technology are fulfilling. The potential yield is determined by the receipt of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and biological characteristics of culture (variety). Actually possible yield - highest possible yield that theoretically could be obtained in a particular field with the actual soil fertility in the real climatic conditions and with right cultivation technology&.
   According to the obtained results, the potential and the actually possible yields of sunflower increase from north to south at Kyiv region due to the same increasing of the PAR amount during the growing period. Agrometeorological (thermal and mois&ture ) conditions during the growing season in all agro-climatic regions do not act as the limiting factors of sonflower productivity. The most favorable conditions for growing this crop are formed in the southern and south-eastern region. In this te&rritory the theoretically possible yield of sunflower is more than 41,8 c/ha and actually possible yield - more than 28,4 c/ha.
   Представлены результаты оценки теоретически возможных уровней урожайности подсолнечника в агроклиматических районах Киевс&кой области, выполненной на основе базовых положений метода эталонных урожаев.

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