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Наукова бібліотека ім. М. Максимовича UNDP in Ukraine
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Опис документа:

Автор: Гопченко Є.Д., Овчарук В.А., Романчук М.Є., Кирилюк О.С.
Назва: Універсальна розрахункова модель для нормування характеристик максимального стоку дощових паводків і весняних водопіль
Сторінок: С. 66-70
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   У статті представлений аналітичний огляд існуючих нормативних методик для визначення максимального стоку паводків й водопіль на річках України. Обґрунтовано нову універсальну модель формування максимального стоку, яка дозволяю виконувати нормування розрахункових характеристик паводків та водопіль незалежно від їх генезису та площ водозбору.
   In recent years, at the rivers of Europe and Asia were observed outstanding floods caused by storm rainfall. Its calculated characteristics (especially the maximumwater discharge and runoff layers) require clarification.
   Scientific and methodological basis for establishing the characteristics of rain and spring floods in the design and construction of hydraulic structures regulated by the relevant regulations. In particular, in Ukraine to date used SNIP 2.01.14-83 in which generalized observations on the different characteristics of the hydrological regime of rivers and temporary streams. It should be noted that both the theoretical basis and observations data are relating to the seventies of this century. For determination characteristics of maximum runoff is offered techniques different structure for rain and spring floods.
   The use of different structures for the estimation of modules maximum flood runof&f methodologically not justified as a whole, as and application of structures that have fundamental differences, although describing the same thing phenomenon - the maximum runoff of floods. The authors proposed a more perfect structure calculation f&ormula for determining the maximum water discharge of spring flood and storm floods. As a base used one-modality hydrographs that relate to extremely high floods different origins. The main parameter of proposed model is maximum module overland inflo&w, which is described by three characteristics - irregularity coefficent for slope influx, duration of slope influx and layer of overland flow. Parameters qm and Ym are established by for a particular probability by statistical analysis of baseline d&ata on maximum water discharges and runoff layers of spring and rain floods. In determining the duration of the slope inflow exist some difficulties related to the fact that these values are not provided with materials observations on water-balance s&tations. Resolving the problem achieved through the use of numerical methods and data of channel runoff. Transformation modules maximum of slope influx in the channel network is described by the coefficient of transformation hydrographs of slope infl&ux in to the channel network and coefficient of channel and floodplain regulation.
   A new universal model of high flow, which allows perform determination of the design characteristics of rain and spring floods regardless of their genesis and catchme&nt areas are suggested.
   В статье представлен аналитический обзор существующих нормативных методик для определения максимального стока паводков и половодий на реках Украины. Предложена новая универсальная модель формирования максимального стока, кото&рая позволяет выполнять нормирования расчетных характеристик паводков и половодий независимо от их генезиса и площадей водосбора.

З 31.12.2014 по 01.03.2015 Наукова бібліотека
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