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Опис документа:

Автор: Матвіїшина Ж.М., Пархоменко О.Г.
Назва: Особливості голоценового педогенезу на Шестовицькому археологічному комплексі X-XI ст.
Сторінок: С. 55-60
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   Розглянуто публікації, присвячені проблемам еволюції голоценових ґрунтів, походження та тенденцій їх розвитку в межах археологічного комплексу. Висвітлено особливості формування ґрунтових профілів на археологічному об"єкті з метою виявлення палеообстановок минулих часів. Застосовано геоархеологічний підхід та макроморфологічний метод дослідження при описі профілів. Розкрито змістовну сутність голоценового педогенезу в межах Шестовицького археологічного комплексу.
   Considering the history of soil allowsfor a new approach to the problems of formation of modern soil profile when individual genetic horizons can be explained not only as the fruit of a single soil-generating process, but as parts of an integrated profile formed in different and variable climatic conditions. Especially valuable are the sections of the soil where the formation is interrupted profile over time for various reasons and profiles preserved ancient soils (especially under trees, mounds and others).
   The study of soils and sediments in the sections on the site of the archaeological sites in the area v.Shestovitsa you can draw the following conclusions. In the areas of excavations at Kurgan group № 6 v. Shestovitsa monuments found in modern soil related to education after 1941 &(formed on the material of the trenches), humus soil horizons plowed in XII-XIX centuries and soil with artifacts of X century with relevant profiles. For all soils formed on alluvial deposits, it was later characterized by a temporary interruption o&f the process of soil formation processes of accumulation of aeolian dune material and intensive segments such dune material was 3-4, which divided pieces of soil and allowed to judge the evolution of the soil over time. In clearing № 1-3 recorded ea&rly stages of forest soil (probably related to the IX century) with brown compacted horizon of sands and sandy loams with a much ferruginous material, which indicate not only the formation of illuvial horizons of sod-podzolic soils, but also linked w&ith the reflection of the stages forest soil of another climate.
   Formation of humus horizons and layers in clearing №1-3 obviously due to the predominance of landscapes meadow steppes and meadows, tall develop under cover of which the conditions of &northern forest-steppe and forest zone of the south formed powerful enough humus horizons in a temperate climate - then formed a second humus horizon to 0.2-0.3 m thick. The existence of meadow-steppe vegetation in open spaces and show the features o&f the vigorous activity of burrowing animals, extensively redesigned the entire thickness of the ancient soil to a greater extent than is typical for the near-surface layer of the soil. Processes are sometimes interrupted by the accumulation of sand &dune. In the X century and later recorded at least 2 time segment of intensive aeolian accumulation of material.
   Расмотрены публикации, посвященные проблемам эволюции голоценовых почв, происхождению и тенденциям их развития в пределах археологическо&го комплекса. Отображены особенности формирования почвенных профилей на археологическом обьекте с целью определения палеообстановок прошлого. Использовано геоархеологический подход и макроморфологический метод исследования при описании профилей. Раск&рыта сущность голоценового педогенезиса в пределах Шестовицкого археологического комплекса.

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