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Автор: Олійник В.В., Чорноморець Ю.О.
Назва: Вплив змін клімату на внутрішньорічний розподіл складових водного балансу р. Західний Буг - м. Кам"янка Бузька
Сторінок: С. 21-28
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   У статті розглядаються основні тенденції зміни елементів водного балансу річки Західний Буг - м. Кам"янка Бузька. Проведено перевірку вихідної інформації на однорідність, оцінено величину зміни середньої річної температури повітря. Проаналізовано внутрішньорічний розподіл елементів водного балансу та виявлено їх відхилення, що обумовлені локальними проявами глобальних кліматичних змін.
   Climate change on Earth leads to changes in separate components of regime of river. Water balance dependencies shouldbe used to asses these changes this makes it possible to trace the course and the interdependence of hydrological phenomena during the observation period. Single calculated period is limited to the years 1961-2012. Two observation periods were chosen - climatic norm and modern (for WMO), in order to identify local manifestations of global climate changes. Analysis of the data series for homogeneity shows that only series of annual amount of precipitation and surface flow are homogeneous. Homogeneity violations were detected in the series of temperature and absolute humidity, which caused homogeneity violation in the series of evaporation. There is no homogeneity violation in the series of the river flow, however it was found in perennial fluctuatio&ns of permanent ground water runoff with Student"s t-test and Wilcoxon"s signed-rank test. The air temperature in the river basin of the Western Bug increased every month in comparison to the climatic norm period. The largest deviation was recorded i&n January (1,7 С), July (1,6 С) and August (1,3 С), and the lowest - in the autumn months. The evaporation increases significantly in the summer months due to the fact that the temperature rises in the same period. Unlike air temperature, the precipi&tation has more heterogeneous nature of changes in the annual distribution of stream flow. In this way, reduction of rainfall was occurred in December, June and August. Increasing of precipitation was recorded in February and March, but the highest r&ainfall was in July. The annual distribution of stream flow distribution is characterized by increasing throughout the year, except for the month of June. The river flow has increased most in January, while the precipitation has significantly reduced& in this month, and the air temperature has sufficiently increased. In this case, the flow reacted to the temperature change mainly due to the growth of the underground component.
   All elements of multi-year period have increased after analyzing the &water balance components. However, in that time while profitable part increased by 3%, the expenditure part increased by 7%. The river flow has reacted the most to the climate change of separate components of the water balance. The climate change in &the river basin manifested through changes the annual distribution of stream flow components of the water balance of the river basin Western Bug. The water balance discrepancy increased the most in April and June which indicates the necessity for res&earch effects of climate change primarily during snow melt flood and floods warm period. In turn, the flow increasing by 30 mm in the current period compared with the climatic norm period may indicate about the passage of abounding phase West Bug Riv&er near the town of Kamуаnka-Buzka in this period of time.
   В статье рассматриваются главные тенденции изменений элементов водного баланса реки Западный Буг - г. Каменка-Бугская. Проведено проверку исходной информации на однородность, 28лобаль величи&ну изменений средней годовой температуры воздуха. Проанализировано внутреннее годовое распределение элементов водного баланса и обнаружено их отклонение, которые обусловлены локальними проявлениями глобальных климатических изменений.

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