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Опис документа:

Автор: Бончковський О.С., Бортник С.Ю., Герасименко Н.П., Лаврук Т.М.
Назва: "Боремельське Надстир"я" як перспективна територія для створення ландшафтного заказника
Сторінок: С. 124-132
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   У статті систематизовано матеріали та розроблено наукове обґрунтування проекту створення ландшафтного заказника "Боремельське Надстир"я" на основі міждисциплінарних досліджень природничо-історичних пам"яток цієї території.
   The scientific justification for the creation of a landscape reserve "Boremel"ske Nadstyrya" is represented in the paper, founded on the sum of multidisciplinary studies of its natural and historical heritage. The creation of a landscape reserve "Boremel"ske Nadstyrya" as a new object of natural reserve network of Ukraine is of a great scientific importance. Within this area, the stratigraphically complete sequences of the Upper and Middle Neopleistocene deposits are outcropped in the cliffs of the river Styr terrace that is practically unique for the southern part of Volyn". The majority of the main stratigraphical units of the Upper and Middle Pleistocene can be subdivided into subunits that enables to reconstruct in details and consequently paleoenvironmental evolution during this time span. At the same time, cliffs of the slopes form a universal polygon for a study of such various geomorphological processes as abrasion, erosion, suffusion, formation of landslides, screes, hillwash etc. They occur rarely in this part of the& Volyn" Upland. Many relic landforms (paleolandslides, cryogenic and paleoerosional features) form a kind of a natural museum for the paleorelief formation processes. Within the Boremel"ske Nadstyrya, fragments of pristine mesophytic steppe still occ&ur which аre the important object for the botanical study. New aspects in the interaction between the vegetational formations of broadleaved forest and steppe within the Volyn Upland can be recovered here. Тhe species of plants and animals that are l&isted in the Red Book of Ukraine, including their habitats and the reasons for vulnerability in this area, require the further study and protection.
   Historical and archaeological sites located within the proposed reserve have not been studied yet de&spite they are of a great interest in many aspects. The landscapes of the Boremel"ske Nadstyrya have a high recreational potential and aesthetic value. The scenic geomorphological complex of the terrace (steep cliffs against the background of the pla&in relief in the area, the picturesque combination of the cliffs with water space, and bright contrasting colours of the outcrops) in conjunction with rich vegetation is very attractive.
   Realization of this project and establishment of a legal regim&e for the aforenamed landscape reserve will ensure the optimum functioning of the protected landscapes and preservartion of the valuable geological, geomorphological, paleogeographical, biogeographical, historical and archaeological sites.
   В статье &систематизированы материалы и разработано научное обоснование проекта создания ландшафтного заказника "Боремельское Надстырье" на основании междисциплинарных исследований природно-исторических памятников этой территории.

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