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Опис документа:

Автор: Антоненко В.С.
Назва: Системний підхід як методологічна основа агрокліматичних досліджень та моделювання продукційного процесу посівів сільськогосподарських культур
Сторінок: С. 99-104
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   У роботі узагальнено методологічні засади агрокліматичних досліджень та моделювання продукційного процесу посівів сільськогосподарських культур з використання системного підходу.
   The article summarizes the methodological agro-climatic basis for the study and modeling of production process of agricultural crops with the use of a systematic approach. The effectiveness of agro-climatic research, production technologies and management systems is provided by the possibility of using the results of modelingthe production process of crops. In turn, the accuracy and reliability modeling of complex systems is determined by the modelling methodology. It is proved that the best simulation results can be obtained only if the system approach to research of production process of agricultural crops. For the study of complex objects, which are difficult for formalization and mathematization processes as seeding of crops (agroecozones), is increasingly used a systematic approach. Its essence lies in the presentation of the development of the object of agricultural production as a unified purposeful system of objects (input, goals, process, output, feedback, constraints imposed by development conditions and technologies of cultivation, etc.), the study of the pr&operties of these objects and the system as a whole, the study of the relationship between the purpose and means of its implementation, the construction of dynamic models of production process and, ultimately, to develop methods to diagnose and predi&ct the state of the crops, specific recommendations for cultivation in the changing agro-climatic conditions.
   A systematic approach to the knowledge of the biological object involves consideration of the object as a system, i.e. a set of elements th&at interact in a limited space and time; determination of composition, structure, and organization of elements and parts of the system, the detection of the leading interactions between them; the relations of the system with the external environment &and the allocation of the main one; analysis of the dialectic of structure and functions of the system; identification and modeling on the basis of regularities and tendencies of development of the system; development of a set of methods of influence& on the system to optimize its development and methods for the diagnosis and prognosis of her condition.
   In development system its elements continuously interact with each other. In agroecozones a lot of interactions. The task of the system approach& is the choice of those who, in the circumstances, determine the formation of the harvest of agricultural crops.
   В работе обобщены методологические основы агроклиматических исследований и моделирования продукционного процесса посевов сельскохозяйств&енных культур с использованием системного похода.

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