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Опис документа:

Автор: Недострелова Л.В.
Назва: Дослідження статистичних характеристик інтегральних переносів енергії в блокуючих процесах
Сторінок: С. 77-82
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   Для дослідження інтегральних переносів енергії блокуючих процесів над територією Європи розраховано та проаналізовано статистичні характеристики енергетичних потоків. В статті використано динамічний метод для класифікації блокуючих антициклонів.
   To study the integrated energy transfer processes blocking over Europe designed and analyzed statistical characteristics of energy flows. The paper uses a dynamic method for classification of blocking anticyclones. Blocking anticyclone is a special case of high patient vast anticyclone. These anticyclones are observed throughout the thickness of the troposphere and lower stratosphere. Front sections and altitude frontal zone are on the peripheries of these entities, which are components of tall deformation fields, because they themselves determine the nature of circulation over large areas. The stationary anticyclones can develop on the pressure front formed by mergers or regeneration. In other cases, they result from clipping the northern parts of tall ridges at latitude transformations thermobaric field troposphere. It should be noted that blocking processes as situations that cause weather anomalies actively studied by scientists since the second half of the 20th century. But, despite this, a clear de&finition of blocking the process currently exists. Perhaps this is due to the different points of view of authors on a scientific problem. The article is to define the statistical evaluations of energy transfer in the atmosphere to detect features of& the evolution of blocking processes. Obtained in the results based on the use of traditional and modern methods of study energetic properties synoptic scale eddies on the basis of common databases hydrometeorological information. This improves the s&cientific understanding of the dynamic processes that occur during the formation of a blocking process in the atmosphere. On the other hand, given the relatively long period of evolution blocking anticyclone, this understanding can improve methods of& medium and long term weather forecast, especially with regard to its extreme manifestations associated with the process of blocking - droughts, heat waves, rain and more on the periphery of anticyclone.
   Для исследования интегральных переносов энерг&ии блокирующих процессов над территорией Европы рассчитаны и проанализированы статистические характеристики энергетических потоков. В статье использован динамический метод для классификации блокирующих антициклонов.

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