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Опис документа:

Автор: Чугай А.В.
Назва: Вплив джерел техногенного забруднення на якість морських вод прибережної зони північно-західної частини Чорного моря
Сторінок: С. 67-76
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   У роботі виконано аналіз впливу джерел техногенного забруднення та оцінку якості морських вод прибережної зони північно-західної частини Чорного моря за 2006-2013 рр. Визначено основні джерела забруднення морських вод.
   The paper examined an impact of the major anthropogenic pollution sources of the marine environment on marine waters quality of the North-Western of the Black Sea. An estimation of a sea water quality according to a water pollution index was done. The analysis showed that the quality ofmarine waters is affected by the coastal anthropogenic sources of pollution, such as large population centers on the coast, municipal wastewater treatment plants, sea ports. In all observation points located in the zones of Odessa, Ilyichevsk, Nikolaev,Kherson and Ochakiv ports, in the South port and in the town of Belgorod-Dniester, there are numerous exceedings of water quality standards for the majority of sea water quality indicators.
   The maximum values of a water pollution index were identified in the zone of treatment facilities impact of the town of Belgorod-Dniester and the city of Odessa. In the zone of treatment facilities impact of the town of Belgorod-Dniester a water quality is characterized by the category "very dirty" in the most c&ases. Тhe biological treatment plants of the city of Odessa release the largest volume of waste water discharges from the major treatment plants of the Odessa region. The maximum values of wastewater discharges were occurred at the station "South". A& tendency to reduce a volume of waste water discharges was defined in 2009-2013. The lowest amount of discharges was defined for the "Belgorod-Dniester Vodocanal" enterprise.
   Analysis of the volume of discharges for individual substances showed that& the maximum number of phosphates and ammonia nitrogen come from the "South" station. The largest volumes of nitrate nitrogen discharges are marked also at this station. However, a tendency to increase discharges almost 3 times is defined. The maximu&m values of nitrite nitrogen in the 2009-2010 were marked at the "North" station. At the "South" station a volume of nitrate nitrogen discharges increased 3 times. The largest volumes of oil and suspended solids discharges into the water of the regio&n in 2013 were made by the "South" station and the treatment facilities of Ilyichіvsk port. In terms of biological oxygen demand the "South" station and the treatment facilities of Ilyichivsk port give approximately the same contribution to a polluti&on level of the marine waters.
   The general analysis of the data shows that the treatment facilities of Ilychivsk seaport, the Port Plant and the "Belgorod-Dniester Vodocanal" enterprise bring a significant contribution to the pollution of the Black &Sea. The maximum volumes of sewage water for a long period are marked at the "South" and "North" biological treatment plants, which can be considered as the main sources of man-made coastal pollution of the marine waters. However, due to the extremel&y poor technical state of sewage treatment facilities of the "Belgorod-Dniester Vodocanal" enterprise the level of marine waters pollution in the area of their action is maximized.
   В работе выполнен анализ влияния источников техногенного загрязнения& и оценка качества морских вод прибрежной зоны северо-западной части Черного моря в 2006-2013 гг. Определены основные источники загрязнения морских вод.

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