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Наукова бібліотека ім. М. Максимовича UNDP in Ukraine
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Опис документа:

Автор: Круківська А.В.
Назва: Агрокліматичні умови вирощування ярої пшениці в Україні
Сторінок: С. 107-111
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   У роботі проведено аналіз агрокліматичних умов вирощування ярої пшениці у ґрунтово-кліматичних зонах України за показниками впливу термічного режиму і режиму атмосферного зволоження на формування урожайності культури в багаторічному розрізі.
   Now due tothe changes of agroclimatic resources of Ukraine, it is important to assess their favorable for the cultivation of spring wheat as the main insurance culture in the grain husbandry of the country.
   For quantitative agroclimatic impact assessments of temperature and rainfall on the spring wheat yield formation in different periods of its development and in different soil-climatic zones the coefficients of productivity were calculated - partial, total and consistent. Coefficient of productivity describesthe ratio of crop yield for the actual value of meteorological factors or their combination for maximum yield at the optimum value of meteorological factors (aggregate).
   The results of calculations show that thermal regime at any period of spring wheatgrowing close to the optimum and satisfactory in Forest, Central Forest-Steppe and Northern Steppe, except for the ripening period. Adverse thermal conditions in the pre-sowing period are observed in Southern Steppe, and during sowing and rooting per&iods - in Western Forest-Steppe and Southern Steppe, as well as during the formation of generative organs in Western and Eastern Forest-Steppe and Southern Steppe.
   Atmospheric moisture conditions are favorable and satisfactory to the cultivation of &culture in all periods of the growing cycle. Adverse conditions are observed in pre-sowing period and during the formation of generative organs in Western Forest-Steppe and during sowing-rooting period in Southern Steppe.
   In general, adverse and ver&y adverse agrometeorological conditions for spring wheat growing have low frequency -4-18% in Forest, Western and Central Forest-Steppe in all periods except pre-sowing. It increases to 21 -34% in Eastern Forest-Steppes and the Northern Steppes and t&o 17-39% in Southern Steppe.
   В работе проведен анализ агроклиматических условий выращивания яровой пшеницы в почвенно-климатических зонах Украины по показателям влияния термического режима и режима атмосферного увлажнения на формирование урожайности& культуры в многолетнем разрезе.

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